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Youhavedownloaded.com reveals internet pirates at Sony, Fox and U.S. anti-piracy organisations

[Dec 24,2011 12:05am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 24,2011 12:05am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 24,2011 2:50am - goatcatalyst ""]
Burn them to the ground and hope their children are inside.
[Dec 24,2011 11:24am - Captain Obvious  ""]

From the comments:

If this reporter had looked a bit more closely at the youhavedownloaded web site he'd have noticed that they admit thet they, quote - " don't bother ourselves to separate dynamic IPs. The site is just for show. " . So, for many individuals, the results presented will be wrong & misleading

- Pug Ugly, Little Whingeing, 20/12/2011

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