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I'mma scalp Ben

[Dec 28,2011 6:26am - AntifaMohicanNigga  ""]

suck my peace pipe ,Babylon man! New Rome will be sacked by the alliance of the first peoples, the new afrikans, the chicano, yellow, brown peoples, and the pale faces who woke up and found out what side they should be on.

get back to your dusty, disease ridden, sewer of a civilization you call England, built upon the bones of the proles, black slaves, gypsy slaves, irish slaves.

All your ideas were stolen from the black gods of egypt, the persians, the Indians, the Chinese, and the desert people of the middle east

while China was enjoying their industrial revolution your people were still shitting in the same water they were drinking from!

may the dead warriors of the first nations climb from the cold earth and send your gelatin ass screaming back to the queen's moldy tits in Angloland

[Dec 28,2011 6:31am - AntifaMohicanNigga  ""]
[Dec 28,2011 6:38am - AntifaMohicanNigga  ""]

guess all ya'll whiteys stopped doing the Roman salute after the Russian slavs beat the shit out of your rome-fetishizing nazi friends in ww2
[Dec 28,2011 6:38am - AntifaMohicanNigga  ""]
[Dec 28,2011 7:33am - the_reverend ""]

AntifaMohicanNigga said:[img]

sings for converge
[Dec 28,2011 11:59am - ben ""]

this is all mud people are capable of. self destruction through primitive gullibility and antiquated religious beliefs. your lies do not impress me in the least. this is current news. so is air Jordans and all the other sick and violent behavior black and other muds display daily. you really need a history lesson and an all expense payed trip to greater Europe for the wake up call of your life. gods knows you cant afford it.
[Dec 28,2011 12:05pm - goatcatalyst ""]
In before a band with intolerant minorities books Inverticrux and beats the piss out of that faggot Ray

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