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OWL (CA), new project for fans of shoegaze/rock.

[Jan 5,2012 1:45pm - Murph ""]
I've become more of a lurker on this board the past year, but I figured I'd post this.

Since moving to California, I've begun a project called Owl. People into shoegaze-y rock, indie rock, huge sound.

facebook http://www.facebook.com/owlcalifornia

bandcamp (Free EP download) http://owltherockband.bandcamp.com/album/no-protocol
[Jan 5,2012 1:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
will check out
[Jan 5,2012 1:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 5,2012 1:53pm - brian_dc ""]
hey man, I'm here.

Not sure about the vocals, yet. But it could grow on me.
[Jan 5,2012 1:55pm - Ghoulash ""]
i just did, its awesome murph.
[Jan 5,2012 1:56pm - brian_dc ""]
I absolutely love everything about this except the vocals. But I don't dislike them. Calling it a keeper.
[Jan 5,2012 1:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i like the interplay of the male and female vocals.
[Jan 5,2012 1:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
Will listen later, at home. What are the vocals like?
[Jan 5,2012 1:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:What are the vocals like?

they're like people singing and stuff.
[Jan 5,2012 1:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
Non elitist answer please.
[Jan 5,2012 1:59pm - brian_dc ""]
pretty much...genre appropriate, but not stereotypical of the genre
[Jan 5,2012 2:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
there's definitely a folky vibe i'd say.
[Jan 5,2012 2:01pm - brian_dc ""]
[Jan 5,2012 2:04pm - brian_dc ""]
yep, last track confirmed. If the vocals were less dry they wouldn't have jarred me at first.
[Jan 5,2012 2:44pm - dreadkill ""]
only christian kolf's owl is real
[Jan 5,2012 3:22pm - xmikex ""]
sup murph

[Jan 5,2012 3:23pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
What kind of owl is it? It doesnt say.
[Jan 5,2012 3:43pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jan 5,2012 4:03pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Jan 5,2012 4:04pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
This thread is now an owl rhread. Hijacked; problem?
[Jan 5,2012 4:11pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jan 5,2012 4:16pm - yummy ""]
I kinda like this Murph. Good to see you're still keeping busy.
[Jan 5,2012 4:22pm - ark  ""]

Alx_Casket said:LOL:

i am 12 and why did i just LOL at this?
[Jan 5,2012 8:59pm - Murph ""]

the Murph Owl creating some ignorant sounds for a new track, perhaps?
[Jan 5,2012 9:06pm - Murph ""]

brian_dc said:yep, last track confirmed. If the vocals were less dry they wouldn't have jarred me at first.

We've been experimenting with compression and distortion on the vocals for future tracks, and tracking vocals straight through the 388 has been killer.
[Jan 6,2012 9:01am - CurlyRed ""]
I don't know much about this kind of music but it def sounds good.

@Ark-I cracked up too. I swear my co-workers must wonder what I do all day.
[Jan 6,2012 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
this is right up my alley.
[Jan 6,2012 10:28am - demondave ""]
[Jan 6,2012 11:29am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 7,2012 12:33am - Murph ""]

new tracks being recorded/mixed primarily with this beast, aptly named THE HOUSE.
[Jan 20,2012 1:03am - Murph ""]
Bumping for indie-rock. If you visit the facebook page and do actually like what you hear, PLEASE LIKE THE PAGE. If a quick click on a button makes you feel queer, then, I'm sorry. DO IT.
[Jan 20,2012 2:16am - trioxin245 ""]
ugh, they really just called their band OWL? come on people....

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