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100% Rhode Island

[Jan 12,2012 2:20pm - Ghoulash ""]


in case this hasn't been posted yet, it is a youtube gem.
[Jan 12,2012 2:27pm - Ghoulash ""]
elvis economics?
[Jan 12,2012 2:28pm - chrisREX  ""]
I bled for an hour and a half, and and, it just wouldn't stop.
[Jan 12,2012 2:29pm - yummy ""]
It rubbed up against you. I says alright okay and stuff. Basketball head okay. This is hilarious. I am flipped ova dis
[Jan 12,2012 2:29pm - Lamp ""]
Johnston invades Portsmouth.
[Jan 12,2012 2:30pm - Ghoulash ""]
this video has about 5 more mins before it ends up on tosh.0
[Jan 12,2012 2:34pm - Lamp ""]
Is this video really funny though? I guess I could see it being funny if I wasn't from here, but people like this are so common in my interactions it has no effect on me whatsoever.
[Jan 12,2012 2:34pm - dreadkill ""]
[Jan 12,2012 2:36pm - Pires ""]

Lol @ the dude washing his wound in the water everyday. Fucking gross.
[Jan 12,2012 2:37pm - Ghoulash ""]

Lamp said:Is this video really funny though? I guess I could see it being funny if I wasn't from here, but people like this are so common in my interactions it has no effect on me whatsoever.

so you must work at an autozone in woonsocket?
[Jan 12,2012 2:50pm - Lamp ""]
Nah dude, it's just way too easy to end up by people like this in public anywhere you go. Particularly in direct suburbs of Providence.
[Jan 12,2012 2:52pm - Ghoulash ""]
its true. north providence... woof...

[Jan 12,2012 2:55pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I know what Lamp means. I grew up in RI and have my fill of useless guinea assholes. Plus I currently visit NJ a couple of times of month, which is a complete overdose of the same.

Would have been better if both of these idiots were devoured.
[Jan 12,2012 3:01pm - yummy ""]

Lamp said:Nah dude, it's just way too easy to end up by people like this in public anywhere you go. Particularly in direct suburbs of Providence.

It is true that they exist by the tens of thousands possibly maw
[Jan 12,2012 3:02pm - Lamp ""]
Go into a Dunkin Donuts in Johnston or Cranston, it's basically this multiplied by 50.
[Jan 12,2012 3:03pm - Lamp ""]
Or better yet, I can go to the Honey Dew walking distance from my place in Warwick right now and it'll be exactly like this.
[Jan 12,2012 3:06pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I still visit RI a couple of times a year. Though it's good to see friends and hunt/fish, it's also a good reminder of why I live in the woods now.
[Jan 12,2012 3:07pm - Lamp ""]
Even in the woods of Rhode Island, the accent cannot be escaped. I went to Arcadia maybe a year and a half ago with a couple of my friends and we got stuck talking to a guy for a short time from "Nahwich".
[Jan 12,2012 3:12pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jan 12,2012 3:13pm - yummy ""]
Warwick is probably the worst, imo. I don't care how good looking a girl is, as soon as that voice comes out yeck
[Jan 12,2012 3:21pm - Lamp ""]
Warwick is the one that throws you for a loop because the voice is coming out of white people rather than olive skinned Italians.
[Jan 12,2012 4:34pm - Demondave on the demonrails  ""]

I bled foah an ouah and a haaf

[Jan 12,2012 4:38pm - the_reverend ""]
what is up with that voice... she's a cartoon character or deaf?

This can't be real. Especially cause the girl says "moron" instead of "more on" at the end.
[Jan 12,2012 4:43pm - yummy ""]
I caught that "moron" at the end. haha, NO rev, this is more than real.
[Jan 12,2012 8:25pm - the_reverend ""]

Pires said:Incredible.

Lol @ the dude washing his wound in the water everyday. Fucking gross.

it's salt water.
[Jan 12,2012 8:41pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:what is up with that voice... she's a cartoon character or deaf?

This can't be real. Especially cause the girl says "moron" instead of "more on" at the end.

Sadly that thing is one of many.
[Jan 13,2012 5:32am - Lamp ""]
I think it's just a poor audio dub, there's no doubt in my mind that this is real.
[Jan 13,2012 8:16pm - tylor69  ""]

Lamp said:Go into a Dunkin Donuts in Johnston or Cranston, it's basically this multiplied by 50.

This and the AutoZone comment are A+. TWO ICED CAWFFEES, NO SUGAH.

I live in Newport, Aquidneck Island somehow escaped the RI accent for the most part.
[Jan 13,2012 8:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Lamp said:Go into a Dunkin Donuts in Johnston or Cranston, it's basically this multiplied by 50.

hahaha, troof
[Jan 13,2012 8:30pm - narkybark ""]
I watched 30 seconds of this and got douche chills
[Jan 13,2012 8:36pm - Lamp ""]
I never go to Aquidneck Island for anything... maybe if there wasn't a bridge toll I'd go to Newport once in a while, but that town and Middletown are both congested with traffic way worse than even Providence.
[Jan 13,2012 9:26pm - tylor ""]

Lamp said:I never go to Aquidneck Island for anything... maybe if there wasn't a bridge toll I'd go to Newport once in a while, but that town and Middletown are both congested with traffic way worse than even Providence.

Yup, it gets brutal during tourist season. Nice that it's kinda "back to the locals" in the winter time.
[Jan 13,2012 11:46pm - frankovhell  ""]
Oh god, this.... these people and anyone from fall river. The accent on girls is the worst. Went out with a girl from there once when i lived in providence and never repeated that mistake. It really does kill everything doesnt' matter if shes hot or not.

LOL at the guy washing his wound in water with trash and feces in it. Monster was probably just a giant hunk of feces.
[Jan 15,2012 8:44pm - BSV  ""]
Those people featured are actually from Fall River, according to ATS.
I work everyday in Rhode Island's Kent and Washington counties. Some parts really ain't that bad. I've seen more deer this year than I've ever seen in MA.
[Jan 15,2012 10:32pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I grew up in East Greenwich/North Kingstown and the accent really isn't prevalent at all. It's more in the urban areas.
[Jan 16,2012 3:26am - frankovhell  ""]
Lets make this a thread about how shitty Fall Rivah is then.
[Jan 16,2012 10:05am - largefreakatzero ""]

BSV said:Those people featured are actually from Fall River, according to ATS.
I work everyday in Rhode Island's Kent and Washington counties. Some parts really ain't that bad. I've seen more deer this year than I've ever seen in MA.

My friends shoot some HUGE deer in that little state.
[Jan 16,2012 10:06am - largefreakatzero ""]

Lamp%20nli said:I grew up in East Greenwich/North Kingstown and the accent really isn't prevalent at all. It's more in the urban areas.

I grew up in NK and made a point of avoiding that horrible accent.
[Jan 16,2012 12:22pm - Lamp ""]
When I was a little kid about pre-school age, I lived in Cranston. My mom lived in New Jersey until she was about 8 or so and as a result doesn't have the accent at all. Whenever my sister or I started not pronouncing our R's, she made it a point to correct us every time. Looking back, I gotta say I'm pretty grateful.
[Jan 16,2012 12:26pm - yummy ""]
My mom's from Chelmsford. She has a tinge of Chemzfud. I don't have it tho. People always ask me where I'm from assuming it isn't near RI. We're talking about this like it's a case of mono. haha.
[Jan 17,2012 3:40pm - BSV  ""]
my mother's from Fall River. I've closed several sales in RI by reminding clients how safe our Ferts are for your daaawgs. Have a cup of cawfee and let me do the work!
[Jan 17,2012 3:43pm - ark  ""]
my mom's from framingham and my dad's from millbury, not sure if that has anything to do with correcting R's, but goddammit they made a point of it every fuckin time.
[Jan 17,2012 4:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I grew up like a stone's throw away from the RI border, so we got bleedover from the Woonsocket accent. Which is exactly as awful as it sounds.
[Jan 17,2012 4:29pm - Reveaaaa  ""]
You ain't got nothing on Reveaahhh, ked. Paully AHH with his two lantans and shit.
[Jan 17,2012 6:13pm - Lamp ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I grew up like a stone's throw away from the RI border, so we got bleedover from the Woonsocket accent. Which is exactly as awful as it sounds.

You've probably been to Woonsocket more times than I have. I never go there.

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