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Joe Paterno Dies, Jerry Sandusky still alive

[Jan 22,2012 12:35pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Jan 22,2012 12:35pm - the_reverend ""]
I care not
[Jan 22,2012 12:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
LOL was waiting for that.
I dont care much about college football but he was a "legend" in it.
[Jan 22,2012 12:44pm - the_reverend ""]
That is like being the legend of dogshit. Which is my position. Btw on tommy boy, the bus says sandusky on it as the destination.
[Jan 22,2012 12:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, the movie takes place in Sandusky Ohio. Been there, it's right off of Rt. 90 on the way to Chicago.
[Jan 22,2012 1:01pm - mdb  ""]
watching that too... paterno news for the birds.
[Jan 22,2012 1:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

the_reverend said:I care not
[Jan 22,2012 1:22pm - Lamp ""]
Yet another person I've never heard of before is dead.
[Jan 22,2012 2:04pm - xgodzillax ""]


the end.
[Jan 22,2012 2:06pm - xgodzillax ""]

xgodzillax said:

the end.

from 3:10 on.
[Jan 22,2012 2:29pm - burnsy ""]
haha nice.
[Jan 22,2012 7:55pm - yummy ""]

Lamp said:Yet another person I've never heard of before is dead.

There was this kid who got raped. This other guy witnessed it and walked away. 2 days later he told this guy. Now this guys' dead.<<internet cliffnotes

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