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please check out our first official video!!!!!!!!!!

[Jan 23,2012 3:12pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
as you guyz now i moved to washington last year with mom, but i finally got it in with a new group of friends and we are tearing it up our first show was at a high sk00l but what the heck you know...LOL! we try our best!!


i dont know how to make it so you can see it like yoiuy guys do but if someone can help that wul;d be so killer thanks...stay frozen and grim my nordic friends!

[Jan 23,2012 3:14pm - trioxin245 ""]
floating drummer is the best
[Jan 23,2012 3:16pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
no idiot hes not really floating thats just an effect cuz he wouldt bring his kit in the woods. wow i thought you could be smatrt enuff to figure that out wow, lol.
[Jan 23,2012 3:20pm - eyeroller  ""]
Hilarious / awesome! Love how the drums are barely touched cause gram's on the phone upstairs. Definitely a good move keeping fatty's shirt on.

[Jan 23,2012 5:24pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
i tried but that dumb stupid idiot martin guy has keeps making his thread at trhe top of it all i hate that moron.
[Jan 23,2012 5:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 23,2012 5:40pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
nice abreviation you jerk, 'BFM' what the heck does that mean you computer nerd just watch the video for a cool comment or back off the band. as i said in the past ill pull a 540 knacker of of your fAT ass moms chin or ill get a few bros from the area to kind of 'take care of you'
[Jan 23,2012 5:41pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
you get the picture or do you need a refresher ok LOL you have no idea.
[Jan 23,2012 5:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
in Soviet Cascadia, drum rises you
[Jan 23,2012 5:42pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
put it this way. GROW up monkey chimp, your bananas R running out fast.
[Jan 23,2012 7:19pm - dick is not bro  ""]
sick drummer
[Jan 23,2012 11:47pm - sxealex ""]
dat razer kvlt
[Jan 24,2012 12:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
that logo is actually pretty cool
[Jan 24,2012 12:11am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"The story of this video:

Two underdressed dudes sneak into the woods in the middle of winter to steal a pair of ancient sinister musical instruments out of a hollow tree.

Mid heist they cant resist the urge to start playing them and summon the astral image of Lord Lethargic Drummer.

Also there are some candles which are so hot, they have to take their T shirts off. Inverted Snowjesus approves."
[Jan 24,2012 12:18am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I miss Hand Choke Neck
[Jan 24,2012 8:14am - ark  ""]
Lord Lethargic is a monster on the kit...
[Jan 24,2012 9:13am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
hey fucksignature guy i apreciate you trying to read in on my vid but thats not the true story. look up some old viking stories and try to get educated on why the were born from a tree before you spout off you ideas that arent even true. at least were in touch with our hertige and try to keep our music troo. i know now why i always stop coming to this site becuz of aholes like you. well see where your band is in 20 years and then see where we are. can you say legend? go wash your fat tits in boiling water you idiot.
[Jan 24,2012 9:41am - BC Hipster  ""]
vikings get BC Rich's from some old tree?

[Jan 24,2012 10:02am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
that comment was so stoopid that i barely have the air to breath about what a fXkin' idiot you are. im trying to stay real here and contibute to the metal community here and you buttshards are trying to do nothing but tear us down. keep it up and see what happens...in fact lets have a band battle and see who the crowd likes more. see you at the battle you ass dick licker. well see who comes from a tree after you get bood off the stage ha LOL cant wait.
[Jan 24,2012 10:06am - burnsy ""]
Do we have to sell tickets?
[Jan 24,2012 10:12am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
i dont care if we do it in your freaking kitchen with your overweight yellow teeth family watching. the truth will come out when you fail to make a crowd feel your music. but then again your family prolly thinks you and your 10 year old friends are so good. whatever lets just do the battle i can be back in the summer when i come home to see my dad that should give you planty of time to get better so we dont smoke you like a cigar BAM LOL! so burrrned.
[Jan 24,2012 10:19am - burnsy ""]
That's fucked up. My gramma loves my band, dude. My gramma will kick your dad's ass in the pit.
[Jan 24,2012 10:28am - the_mex ""]
i want to be a floating drummer
[Jan 24,2012 10:29am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
"go wash your fat tits in boiling water you idiot."

That's a new one. What is that supposed to do exactly?
[Jan 24,2012 10:46am - BC Hipster  ""]
Washing fat tits in boiling water is part of his viking heritage that helps keep his music troo
[Jan 24,2012 10:52am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
whatever on the tits thing...just clean up your act or just take off. at least we dont make our facepaint so stupid that we look like a panda bear. you prolly chew bamboo flavoured bubble gum you titless jerks.
[Jan 24,2012 11:03am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Radical_Dirt_Biker said:hey fucksignature guy i apreciate you trying to read in on my vid but thats not the true story. look up some old viking stories and try to get educated on why the were born from a tree before you spout off you ideas that arent even true. at least were in touch with our hertige and try to keep our music troo. i know now why i always stop coming to this site becuz of aholes like you. well see where your band is in 20 years and then see where we are. can you say legend? go wash your fat tits in boiling water you idiot.

lol i def just copied and pasted that from the comments section on youtube. hence the quotation marks.
[Jan 24,2012 11:06am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

BC%20Hipster said:Washing fat tits in boiling water is part of his viking heritage that helps keep his music troo
Thanks for clearing that up. *goes and washes his fat tits in boiling water to stay troo to the viking heritage*
[Jan 24,2012 11:07am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
"you prolly chew bamboo flavoured bubble gum you titless jerks."

Wait....so you want us to wash our fat tits in boiling water, but then call us titless? I'm so confused.
[Jan 24,2012 11:07am - eyeroller  ""]
I like this band even more now.
[Jan 24,2012 11:13am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
yeah whatever. ive had it with the snaking underthoughts that you all do here. it was a figment of speech you dingbat..unless you were born with no boobs. im sick of explaining myself what are you guys like 12 years old that you cant understand stuff? to bad i sold my bike cuz i would surely eff you up if we met at the track. razer is closed now but i would still make you look like you were riding your first training bike. again i say whatever you can back up a car like your words. puff away like smoke beflore you get in the water too deep you fatchinned butt darts.
[Jan 24,2012 11:16am - eyeroller  ""]
I wasn't kidding.
[Jan 24,2012 11:20am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Dude, I got sick training wheels....and tits...big fat boiling tits
[Jan 24,2012 11:41am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
your an idiot. just watch the charts and youll see us there soon while your still at home carrying a brown rinkled bag to work for your lunch. hope you like boloney samwiches cuz well be eating cavyar with the best black metal bands in the biz like cradle of filth and such. eat that you chimp, like i said keep it up your running out of bananas and soon your whole chimp posse will go down in flames with you. im out.
[Jan 24,2012 11:46am - RustyPS should be working  ""]


[Jan 24,2012 11:50am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
oh great now you resorted to just hanging around and mocking me. go ahead you pickle titted bitch ass. im sick of your ass. your prolly rusty because your not even real metal...BAM LOL!
[Jan 24,2012 11:52am - BC Hipster  ""]
[Jan 24,2012 11:54am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

[Jan 24,2012 11:57am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
good job posting some wax figure for me to be scared of. just watch your p's and q's you thong wearing beach gayrod. whatever
[Jan 24,2012 12:00pm - lbpvd  ""]
cool video!
[Jan 24,2012 12:09pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
I'm watching my Ps and Qs with great anticipation...yo, can I have some of that caviar while I'm watching my Ps and Qs?
[Jan 24,2012 12:19pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
thanks lbpvd for the cool woreds. rusty nail man can just eat a bag of cat shit for all i care he sounds like a dick just trying to light a fire under me. whatever sharts like him never last long until they find out the trooth with their broken teeth and their dragging tails.

hey lbpvd if you want to ever team up and growl a little for our new hit let me know, it will be recorded soon and ill post it for sure.
[Jan 24,2012 12:21pm - Excite Bike  ""]
[Jan 24,2012 12:24pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
hahahahaha OMG what an amature. a jump like that i did when i was like 6 and whats with the old bike she need to update or get str8!
[Jan 24,2012 3:55pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
ok guys seriousaly if anyone wants to book a tour in your area ill be back in the summer and maybe i can get the guys out here to tear it up NE style. keep me updated!

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