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Aspbergers appreciation!!!

[Jan 26,2012 12:08pm - Thread Police  ""]
Awesome! I love it!
[Jan 26,2012 12:42pm - burnsy ""]
RustyPS said:I don't appreciate asbergers.
[Jan 26,2012 12:43pm - ark  ""]
[Jan 26,2012 12:47pm - AndrewBastard ""]
blah blah blah ...for an aspbergers today


[Jan 26,2012 12:49pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

burnsy said:RustyPS said:I don't appreciate asbergers.

lol where did that come from?
[Jan 26,2012 12:53pm - burnsy ""]
Your stance that disapreesh does not belong in apreesh threads haha.
[Jan 26,2012 12:57pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
lol oh boy
[Jan 26,2012 5:23pm - sethrich ""]
[Jan 26,2012 5:43pm - Lamp ""]
I had some fucking asparagus a couple nights ago.
[Jan 26,2012 5:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Do an inferior neurotypical IQ about it.
[Jan 26,2012 6:04pm - posbleak ""]
[Jan 26,2012 7:00pm - Samantha ""]
ITT: No one knows how to spell Asperger's. Let's hear it for Autism spectrum disorders.
[Jan 26,2012 7:18pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Everyone is part of the spectrum.
[Jan 26,2012 7:41pm - delicious_peppered_salami ""]

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