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Attn: nekroNOT and TRYHARDoxin245

[Jan 28,2012 3:42pm - Greenhouse Booking co  ""]
You have insulted me and my brother fredrick thornson, he is a close friend of obituary and kreator and has been around wayyy longer than you falses. You are not welcome at the show.
[Jan 28,2012 3:44pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Jan 28,2012 3:48pm - Greenhouse Booking co  ""]
Mathcore poser
[Jan 28,2012 3:53pm - nekronaut ""]

[Jan 28,2012 4:18pm - the_reverend ""]
Peanut butter jelly time?
[Jan 28,2012 5:04pm - Samantha ""]

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