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Need some help deciding who to vote for in this years election?

[Jan 31,2012 4:58pm - Kevin Sorbo  ""]
Tired of the ancient gods being petty and cruel?
Sick of mankind being plagued with suffering?
Need a Presidential candidate who dares to challenge their power?

Here is a guide to help everybody choose a viable candidate. Simply ask yourself these questions and your vote will never be wasted on the 'lesser evil'

1) Does he possess a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart?
2) Is he present wherever there is evil/wherever innocents suffer?
3) Is his hair AT LEAST shoulder length?

If everyone can vote based on these simple rules, then our beloved America is headed for a time of peace that until now has only been myth and legend!

[Jan 31,2012 4:59pm - DukeManjunk ""]
i'm just going to go back in time and vote for hitler.

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