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when we were kids we had freeze tag, but apparently that isn't enough nowadays

[Feb 3,2012 7:13am - Yeti ""]

i give to you....RAPE TAG
[Feb 3,2012 8:20am - FAKE aril  ""]
Duck duck RAPE is better.
[Feb 3,2012 8:27am - yummy ""]
rape rover
[Feb 3,2012 8:29am - burnsy ""]
Next they'll be having relay rapes.
[Feb 3,2012 9:04am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Rape the wall? Maybe? No?
[Feb 3,2012 9:22am - largefreakatzero ""]
Haha. My buddy's kid got in trouble (from a black teacher) for playing "slave" on the playground. I guess it's when you make some poor little fucker be your slave. Black lady was not amused.
[Feb 3,2012 9:27am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Tag!... you're pregnant.
[Feb 3,2012 9:32am - dreadkill ""]
is smear the queer now called rape the queer?

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