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grind/metalcore band from bosotn area looking for drummer.

[Jun 12,2004 12:40pm - tellsomeoneelse  ""]
Hey im in a band out of worcester mass and we just lost our drummer,we are looking for drummer that can basically keep good time,blast,steady footspeed and be super technical,email macabre1285@aol.com if interested.
[Jun 12,2004 12:50pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
why dont you get the Soldiers of Worcester to come and punch different drums in different orders? that could work.
[Jun 12,2004 1:38pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
what the fuck is grind metalcore?

[Jun 12,2004 3:13pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Red Chord?
I'm out of guesses.
[Jun 12,2004 3:45pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i think this is the midget who stole gods map actualy. they fired their drummer for being drunk or something
[Jun 12,2004 4:34pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Fire is awesome.

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