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Top 10 list of possible top 10 trolls

[Feb 17,2012 1:18pm - top 10  ""]
10) Samantha
9) Blessed_Offal
8) AMOROK666
7) nekronaut
5) arilliusbm
4) xmikex
3) the_reverend
2) menstrual_sweatpants_disco
1) DestroyYouAlot
[Feb 17,2012 1:20pm - trioxin_245 ""]
samantha = a lot of more trolls than people think
blessed_offal = pretty much none
aril = all others
[Feb 17,2012 2:42pm - Samantha ""]
To some extent... true. I also know about a lot of trolls who are the last people anyone would suspect. And about 99.9% of the time anyone accuses me of being a troll, it isn't me. I'm still convinced that Samantha's 10" hard-on has to be the same person who is Tardy Butler.


[Feb 17,2012 2:57pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I know who tardy butler is ;()
[Feb 17,2012 2:58pm - The Fire Deptartment  ""]
[Feb 17,2012 3:01pm - black slar heroin  ""]

trioxin_245 said:I know who tardy butler is ;()

i know too but i'm naut telling
[Feb 17,2012 3:04pm - trioxin_245 ""]

black%20slar%20heroin said:
trioxin_245 said:I know who tardy butler is ;()

i know too but i'm naut telling

[Feb 17,2012 3:51pm - Cher  ""]
That list is pretty spot on actually..but samantha should be higher up, i know her secret.
[Feb 17,2012 5:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 18,2012 8:41am - the_reverend ""]
Are you tardy butler?

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