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Allan Holdsworth at Johnny D's

[Feb 17,2012 5:49pm - Mark_R ""]
Just ordered my ticket for this. Never saw Holdsworth before...dude is not getting any younger and he has Virgil Donati on drums! No idea what going to an actual show at Johnny D's will be like.

These dates in the area...
March 21 - The Iron Horse - Nothhampton, MA
March 22 - Johnny D's - Boston, MA
March 23 - The Infinity Hall - Norfolk, CT

[Feb 17,2012 5:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
virgil donati ftw
[Feb 17,2012 6:11pm - MikeOv  ""]
I definitely want to check this out.
[Feb 17,2012 6:35pm - trioxin_245 ""]
is this the johnny ds in inman square?
[Feb 17,2012 6:57pm - blue ""]

im all over this.
[Feb 17,2012 7:42pm - Mark_R ""]
It's the one in Davis, across the street from the stop.

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