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Vomiting extremely hard and laying in your own diarrhea appreciation

[Feb 23,2012 1:56am - arilliusbm ""]
this thread is FIM's fault.
Anyone that has had that stomach bug that's going around will know what's up.
[Feb 23,2012 2:17am - STLUCIFUREVA ""]
i had it for about 18 hours , could not get warm and i was in the bathroom every 20 minutes . no vomiting but my temperature was 96 degrees .
should i be dead ?
[Feb 23,2012 2:24am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
nuh uh. i didnt do shit. headcold > diarrhea death
[Feb 23,2012 3:04am - SethPutnam ""]
pics or you're lying.
[Feb 23,2012 3:29am - STLUCIFUREVA ""]

SethPutnam said:pics or you're lying.

i was too weak and cold to even think taking pictures of my green-apple splatters.
[Feb 23,2012 5:50am - RichHorror ""]
I had this last weekend. I caught it from playing AD&D.
[Feb 23,2012 6:50am - the_reverend ""]
I was just coming here to see if anyone had it. Carina might be dealing with it now... meaning ostelio will get it, her mom, me, and maybe the dogs.
[Feb 23,2012 7:01am - arilliusbm ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:nuh uh. i didnt do shit. headcold > diarrhea death

Haha you didnt give me it, but gave me the idea for this thread.

I ate at armsby abbey on monday night after a mountain hike, only to puke out everything I had eaten and drank that whole night. Woke up about 5 times with my body leaking fluids everywhere. It was the most violent puking I've ever had.

Shit was no joke. I don't think it was food poisoning. The bug has been going around for weeks. Luckily it only lasts a day.

[Feb 23,2012 7:10am - timma ""]
My mom had it and had to be admitted to the hospital. Didn't help that she passed out from the weakness and torn a ligament in her shoulder.

Good times.
[Feb 23,2012 7:10am - the_reverend ""]
most people report 3 days.
[Feb 23,2012 7:13am - arilliusbm ""]
Most people suck.
[Feb 23,2012 7:18am - Yeti ""]
i really hope i don't get it. i had it in 2006 and thought i was going to die.
[Feb 23,2012 8:29am - Alx_Casket ""]
Don't forget to wash your hands!
[Feb 23,2012 8:32am - largefreakatzero ""]
One of my clients in CT cancelled an appt with me this week, pretty sure she had this. I haven't been sick for over a year, I so don't want to break the streak with double-ended misery.
[Feb 23,2012 8:32am - RustyPS ""]
My dad had it a few weeks ago. Luckily, I didn't catch it from him.
[Feb 23,2012 8:57am - the_reverend ""]
I guess if you go into the bathroom after someone there flushes, you can huff poop particles and get it.
[Feb 23,2012 9:43am - Samantha ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:headcold > diarrhea death

Agreed. I'd rather have the stupid head cold that has been annoying the bejesus out of me and lingering for days than the Norovirus diarrhea attack.
[Feb 23,2012 9:44am - Samantha ""]
Double posts are lame.
[Feb 23,2012 9:44am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 23,2012 9:45am - arktouros ""]
Played AD&D, smoked with aril on that hike, ate tiny pork rillions, unscathed bitches!!
[Feb 23,2012 9:49am - the_reverend ""]
you made your saving throw
[Feb 23,2012 9:49am - Alx_Casket ""]
My recent morning showers mainly consist of evacuating dark green mucous from my throat and nose.
[Feb 23,2012 9:51am - DukeManjunk ""]

Samantha said:
FuckIsMySignature said:headcold > diarrhea death

Agreed. I'd rather have the stupid head cold that has been annoying the bejesus out of me and lingering for days than the Norovirus diarrhea attack.

speaking of which, a guy my dad works with had recently come down with the Norovirus, no joke.
[Feb 23,2012 9:52am - arilliusbm ""]

Alx_Casket said:My recent morning showers mainly consist of ejaculating dark green mucous from my cock and balls.
[Feb 23,2012 9:53am - RustyPS ""]

Alx_Casket said:My recent morning showers mainly consist of evacuating dark green mucous from my throat and nose.
I had that about a month or two ago, not fun.

But I agree with Samantha, I would rather be cleaning out green mucous from my face than involuntarily cleaning out my bowels of something I had ate 5 minutes before.
[Feb 23,2012 9:56am - arilliusbm ""]
This thead is IMMATURE.
[Feb 23,2012 9:56am - Alx_Casket ""]
[img] about it
[Feb 23,2012 9:58am - Samantha ""]
[Feb 23,2012 10:20am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

RichHorror said:I had this last weekend. I caught it from playing AD&D.

arktouros said:Played AD&D, smoked with aril on that hike, ate tiny pork rillions, unscathed bitches!!

the_reverend said:you made your saving throw

The irony here is that Rich actually did fail a save about it. LIFE: IMITATING ROLEPLAYING ART SINCE 1974
[Feb 23,2012 10:25am - MetalThursday ""]
My evening shower last night ended with three violent heaves that left me ankle-deep in mardi gras gumbo puke, which promptly clogged the drain. That was a fun mess to clean up.
[Feb 23,2012 10:30am - Samantha ""]
Does this mean I have to be on back-up duty again? Or should I just follow you with a bucket?
[Feb 23,2012 10:33am - MetalThursday ""]
I'm no longer sick as far as I can tell. Just weak from not eating or absorbing any nutrients in the past 24 hours. I'll let you know if it returns with a vengeance.
[Feb 23,2012 10:37am - Samantha ""]
In before all Metal Thursday attendees contract the ebola virus.
[Feb 23,2012 10:38am - RustyPS ""]
Samantha: Puke/Shit Bucket Extraordinaire
[Feb 23,2012 10:41am - Not a crazy ex boyfriend.. Just anonymous troll  ""]

RustyPS said:Samantha: Puke/Shit/Cum Bucket Extraordinaire
[Feb 23,2012 10:44am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
If someone at Metal Thursday gives me this tonight, I'm saving all of my fluids and dispersing it as a I see fit. I haven't been legitimately sick since spring of 2006 so I really don't want to break the streak. Plus, the last time I vomited, it was so hard that the last heave was nothing but blood. Really don't want a repeat of that.
[Feb 23,2012 10:47am - MetalThursday ""]
Jerry Seinfeld-esque no-vomit streak FTW
[Feb 23,2012 10:49am - Samantha ""]

Not%20a%20crazy%20ex%20boyfriend..%20Just%20anonymous%20troll said:
RustyPS said:Samantha: Puke/Shit/Cum Bucket Extraordinaire

Sometimes, I wish I had a penis so I wouldn't have to deal with stupid men who wish I actually wanted anything to do with their pathetic, shriveled up little ding dongs.
[Feb 23,2012 10:49am - MannyScalpel nli  ""]
Taylor got this bad man, he's been throwing up all day.
[Feb 23,2012 10:50am - BlackoutRick ""]
Sitting on the toilet whilst puking in the trash bucket = lose
[Feb 23,2012 10:52am - MetalThursday ""]

BlackoutRick said:Sitting on the toilet whilst puking in the trash bucket = lose 3-5 lbs in 24 hours
[Feb 23,2012 10:57am - BlackoutRick ""]
Truth. I puked only once but was suspicious of any fart for 24 hours.
[Feb 23,2012 12:18pm - Lamp ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
RichHorror said:I had this last weekend. I caught it from playing AD&D.

arktouros said:Played AD&D, smoked with aril on that hike, ate tiny pork rillions, unscathed bitches!!

the_reverend said:you made your saving throw

The irony here is that Rich actually did fail a save about it. LIFE: IMITATING ROLEPLAYING ART SINCE 1974

I didn't catch shit.

Though I'd been getting over being stuffy for a while.
[Feb 23,2012 12:45pm - Yeti ""]

BlackoutRick said:Truth. I puked only once but was suspicious of any fart for 24 hours.

this is by far the worst part. vomiting i can deal with, it only happens a handful of times, but the fart fear that persists for days after is too much. you become so paranoid that even a dry fart causes a moment of gripping terror.
[Feb 23,2012 12:48pm - arilliusbm ""]
I -literaly- woke myself up with a liquid puddle spewing out of my ass-crevice. What's that? A grown man shitting in his bed and waking up because of it? Moar likely than you think.
[Feb 23,2012 12:58pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Reigning terror from your asshole? Sounds like the aril I know IRL.
[Feb 23,2012 1:06pm - narkybark ""]
I think I already had this a few weeks ago. I swear if any of you fuckers infects me again tonight I will find some AIDS and give it to you, in any way I can.

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