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GRUE - "Ascending the Necrolith" (new boston black metal content)

[Feb 27,2012 12:29pm - Czarnobog ""]


new local two-piece. morgan, who used to play in unholy goatfucker with me, and dave from untombed/ex-summoning hate on drums. good shit. theyre playing their first show with us and welkin dusk (from chicago) april 3rd in some basement, details forthcoming...

[Feb 27,2012 1:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 27,2012 1:08pm - RustyPS ""]
Oh, it's Davemonic? Dude is the fucking man!
[Feb 27,2012 1:13pm - (the true) slar you morbid?  ""]

arilliusbm said:Word.

he probably cut them because they...
(puts on sunglasses)
...GRUE too long.

[Feb 27,2012 1:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 27,2012 1:57pm - Davemonic ""]

arilliusbm said:Word.

he probably cut them because they...
(puts on sunglasses)
...GRUE too long.


lol yeah, i miss my dreads and i lost them to the clean cut corporate world it sucks ass but i had no choice, with this new fucking job i even have to hide my tattoos specially when i had just decided to get a sleeve so i will take all my frustration out in GRUE
[Feb 27,2012 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
i hope the dreads were ceremoniously destroyed, otherwise i imagine that they'll come back and take someone over like Snake's hair did to Homer.
[Feb 27,2012 3:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
At school, have to listen later, but that name rules. Zork-themed concept EP or false. ;)
[Feb 27,2012 4:21pm - Davemonic ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:At school, have to listen later, but that name rules. Zork-themed concept EP or false. ;)

[Feb 27,2012 4:23pm - Davemonic ""]

Yeti said:i hope the dreads were ceremoniously destroyed, otherwise i imagine that they'll come back and take someone over like Snake's hair did to Homer.

I kept them, i am yet to figure out what to do with them
[Feb 28,2012 1:25am - the_mex ""]
sounds great, looking forward to playing with yous guys!
[Feb 28,2012 2:49am - slar you morbid?  ""]

Yeti said:i hope the dreads were ceremoniously destroyed, otherwise i imagine that they'll come back and take someone over like Snake's hair did to Homer.

hehehe i kept my hair both times i cut it off, the first time in highschool i wrapped it around this rubber fingerpuppet that looked just like the face from the "state of euphoria" album and i nailed it to my wall. it was hilarious and weirded the shit out of my gf at the time. prettttttty sure my parents threw that out as soon as i moved out though.
[Feb 28,2012 2:50am - slar you morbid?  ""]
also i listened and this shit is badass, dave is just as cool shorthaired as ever
[Feb 28,2012 4:27am - ancient master  ""]
cool name
[Feb 28,2012 9:57am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[Feb 28,2012 10:03am - snowden ""]
Yeah, Dave was supposed to have enough hair for the both of us. And yet here we are.
[Feb 28,2012 10:05am - Troll of Rttp Past  ""]

snowden said:early folk music consisted of single notes and no chords.
[Feb 28,2012 10:57am - dreadkill ""]
good stuff. there are some really memorable riffs in there. i'm looking forward to hearing more.
[Mar 1,2012 4:57pm - snowden ""]
Hey, thanks! Looking forward to recording more.
[Mar 1,2012 5:17pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
[Mar 1,2012 5:23pm - boblovesmusic ""]
finally got around to listening to this, holy shit this rules! Can't wait to hear more!
[Mar 1,2012 6:36pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
[Mar 1,2012 6:58pm - motley grue  ""]
failed to hear the memorable riffs, or the badassness of it. Sounds like a sloppy practice. Failed to see how this rules.
[Mar 1,2012 7:58pm - dyingmuse ""]
This is some cool stuff guys. It does sound like a jam room recording though, which is just fine with me, sets a cool atmosphere imho.

Once Dark Passenger gets back to live stuff, we'd like to play a gig with ya's!
[Mar 1,2012 8:42pm - Davemonic ""]
Dan i am looking forward for that gig with you guys, this is just a side project so we probably may not be doing too many live shows and yes the recording was done at our practice space, it was our third practice i believe so we will have a more formal recording soon
[Mar 2,2012 4:54pm - snowden ""]

motley%20grue said:failed to hear the memorable riffs, or the badassness of it. Sounds like a sloppy practice. Failed to see how this rules.

Haha, I'm not arguing. We didn't have enough mics and it was the first time I'd ever used that bass head.
[Mar 2,2012 4:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:i hope the dreads were ceremoniously destroyed, otherwise i imagine that they'll come back and take someone over like Snake's hair did to Homer.

hahahaha i was just thinking about that episode during the ralphs show last night. the bass player from Elder's hair looked so crazy i thought it was going to jump of his head and start attacking people.
[Mar 2,2012 7:36pm - motley grue  ""]
would like to hear your badass riffage while drinking some brews, best of luck to your new band

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