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[Feb 28,2012 10:44am - Matafuck_Uprise ""]
i say these congratulations to me! now we make real metal on tour for your US!!
[Feb 28,2012 10:45am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 28,2012 10:46am - timma ""]
Yes yes, that's all well and good. But where are the tits?
[Feb 28,2012 11:02am - boblovesmusic ""]
who what where when why how so what?
[Feb 28,2012 11:25am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I agree for many times real metal do touring USA 2012.
[Feb 28,2012 11:29am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yes you are wantings the memberships
[Feb 28,2012 11:57am - Matafuck_Uprise ""]
i agree so much! make a tour for we needing a place to stay. My goodness it so lively here. Pray for metal!!

[Feb 28,2012 12:22pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Much living room floor I have for to stay after metals show touring. Mama make for bake cookie and many spaghett. You want, much for good time.
[Feb 28,2012 3:29pm - Matafuck_Uprise ""]
yes friend! we can try, but we will go to US in julio..or you call july i think. is this a good time? we will need a good beer pub then we will bring a large group with fans! we make a fans in all of the places we will go, yes!!
[Feb 28,2012 3:31pm - RustyPS ""]
metal touring shows make for jingle jangles in down my pants for my equipmunk
[Feb 28,2012 3:38pm - Matafuck_Uprise ""]
you should try be nicer i think, we look to greatly on people of the US because are have understand of true metal! \m/
[Feb 28,2012 3:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Matafuck_Uprise said:you should try be nicer i think, we look to greatly on people of the US because are have understand of true metal! \m/

and you are from what country now?
[Feb 28,2012 3:49pm - Matafuck_Uprise ""]
my home country is Portugal, and yours friend?
[Feb 28,2012 3:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
U.S. This site mainly caters to the New England area of the United States.
[Feb 28,2012 3:53pm - Matafuck_Uprise ""]
yes, we have made a try at the EU britain, but for a reason we have a trouble to get there for some politic reason even though we are all now EU. i have try to make a tour in US because it is so diffrent and much easier to get a visa for 2 weeks.
[Feb 28,2012 3:54pm - Matafuck_Uprise ""]
so we will come with suitcase full of thrash!
[Feb 28,2012 3:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
suitcase full of thrash much better than suitcase full of kaboom
[Feb 28,2012 4:01pm - Matafuck_Uprise ""]
jajajajajajajajaja.....you are so crazy, some of your jest are ssoo too funny.
[Feb 28,2012 4:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Best new poster.
[Feb 28,2012 4:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Much jest we have for laughs and slapslap gesture of knee, bahddy.
[Feb 28,2012 4:38pm - RustyPS ""]
Can wait not for dick jokes flow from mouths lots, plenty slapslap gestures of knees, make for good times many
[Feb 28,2012 4:38pm - Lamp ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Best new poster.

I make much agree with the words you speak of.
[Feb 28,2012 5:10pm - arilliusbm ""]

arilliusbm said:BRING CORPUS CHRISTI
[Feb 28,2012 5:15pm - Matafuck_Uprise ""]
Hey so I am makeing a hot group of fans, enough to make a good group for tour I hope! wait until we come it will be so great, i will bring Aguardiente alcohol if the plane crew will let alcohol on the flying, you seguridad is so tough in US planes!

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