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I heard that you all seek the truth

[Mar 1,2012 12:11pm - Truth_Troll  ""]
Time to unveil the truth about you faggots. Where shall I begin?
[Mar 1,2012 12:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Repost. You're late to the pahty

[Mar 1,2012 12:41pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 2,2012 9:54am - Truth_Troll  ""]
I'm not quite sure how you tied this infantile post into mine, but to tell you the truth, I could care less.

The truth of it all is that you have probably had a sexual encounter with another male at some point in your life, which has subconsiously forced you to revolt from the norm, thereby forcing you to seclude yourself from the natural progression of society in general.

If anyone else would like me to tell the truth about them, please let me know. This being my first true post on this website, I ask that you keep your replies to a minimum, thereby reducing my workload for the day.

Thank you,

[Mar 2,2012 10:46am - largefreakatzero ""]
OP is fag.
[Mar 2,2012 10:49am - Lamp ""]

Truth_Troll said:I'm not quite sure how you tied this infantile post into mine, but to tell you the truth, I could care less.

The truth is, you should learn the fucking correct way to say this phrase. So could the rest of humanity.

What you meant to say is "I COULDN'T care less."
[Mar 2,2012 10:53am - Alx_Casket ""]
I could give a shit about your phrase corrections, Lamp.
[Mar 2,2012 10:54am - Lamp ""]
huuuuuuuuu derp
[Mar 2,2012 10:56am - Truth_Troll  ""]
Lamp has a large font, all of the men he dates say the same thing. You don't seem very bright for a lamp. Get to tha' dumpstah!!!
[Mar 2,2012 10:57am - Lamp ""]
This troll is off to a severely boring start
[Mar 2,2012 10:59am - Truth_Troll  ""]
Hey lamp, do I "turn you on" or do I "turn you off?" I can't decide!

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