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You wouldn't get away with it here

[Jun 13,2004 11:45pm - attendmyrequiem ""]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this makes me want to try tho
[Jun 14,2004 12:02am - attendmyrequiem ""]
[Jun 14,2004 12:21am - silky ""]
HOLY SHIT!!!!HAHAHAHA!!!! that's the funniest fucking thing I've seen in a while. when that "bitch" gets hot coffee poured on her tits... oh man, that's priceless! and the board room one, after he beats her down, and then he throws that stapler at her...HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
[Jun 14,2004 12:41am - Hoser ""]
[Jun 14,2004 12:46am - the_reverend ""]
it was funnier like a year ago when they were first posted.
the stapler was the best part.
I can't believe they did those seriously... strange canucks.
[Jun 14,2004 1:37am - attendmyrequiem ""]
oh. i never saw these before. they rule.
[Jun 14,2004 2:09am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I used to get away with it, 'til she saw those ads. Then I got worried and stopped, and she had to ask for it for a while. ~sigh~ Those were the good ol' days.
[Jun 14,2004 3:12am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
YOU FUCKIN BITCH! hahahaha oh man... these were the best like a year ago. they still rule, just not as hard.
[Jun 14,2004 3:19am - powerkok ""]
hahahahhaha....anybody ever see the where wheres my dinner bitch commercial? where the kid is on the stairs and the dad beats mom for getting pizza.....I loved that commercial, it was hilarious.....I still tell my wife "I COULDA HAD PIZZA AT WORK BITCH!"
[Jun 14,2004 3:29am - Terence ""]
haha oh man this was for real?
[Jun 14,2004 3:41am - powerkok ""]
ya it was a psa about 2-3 years ago. LOL
[Jun 14,2004 10:30am - Abbath ""]
hahahahahaha the guy is really into it too ahahaha
[Jun 14,2004 10:34am - succubus ""]
ok well i don't think it's THAT funny

these were made for shock value..but came out sorta funny

i don't think abuse is funny though and it sorta bugs me how people find it funny

i dunno...but what if it happened to your mom, sibling...or yourself?
just ask the_reverend about some of the scars that i still have on my lower back from being whipped when i was little
all right i'm done
[Jun 14,2004 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
the point isn't that people are laughing at abusing women.
the point is that these commercials are over the top. it's not real and that's funny.
[Jun 14,2004 10:43am - the_reverend ""]
succubus said:ok well i don't think it's THAT funny

these were made for shock value..but came out sorta funny

i don't think abuse is funny though and it sorta bugs me how people find it funny

i dunno...but what if it happened to your mom, sibling...or yourself?
just ask the_reverend about some of the scars that i still have on my lower back from being whipped when i was little
all right i'm done

yes, I'm sure we would all kill someone if they beat our women.
[Jun 14,2004 10:54am - succubus ""]
aaron: the subject of women beating is wrong
aaron: but those psa are so over the top
you should have kept it at that, but i don't think you can speak for everyone..i didn't like some of the replies and i stand by my post
i said they were over the top but all the HA HA HA HA 's pissed me off
[Jun 14,2004 11:01am - powerkok ""]
I got the shit kicked outta me on a daily basis when I was a kid, and I still find those commercials HIGHLY amusing.
[Jun 14,2004 11:16am - succubus ""]
i still don't find them that funny...and it's not that i'm in an abusive relationship (unless you count the spanks the_reverend gives me when i'm a naughty girl)
but different people will find different things funny, i still didn't think they were funny when i saw 'em
[Jun 14,2004 11:22am - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
I agree that abuse is not funny, and some of those psa's (espeically the frunk driving ones) sicken me. Having said that, these ar so over the top that you can't help but laugh a little. How come nobody in the restraunt, or the office did aything to stop these guys? They just sat there looking. I would have cracked either of those dudes over the head. Anybody in there right mind would have intermened before he threw the stapler, or at least accousted those assholes while the cops came. Thats' the part I think is unrealistic, the peopel who just watch and dont' do anything, espcially considering the souroundings.
[Jun 14,2004 11:26am - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
i just noticed i spelled "Funk driving..." yeah that's really dangerous, you should never drive under the influence of funk. :spineyes:
[Jun 14,2004 11:28am - powerkok ""]
actually it was frunk lol
[Jun 14,2004 12:50pm - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
hahaha Don't Frunk and Drive, it could kill you.
[Jun 14,2004 12:59pm - xmikex ""]
[Jun 14,2004 1:37pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i hate women and support spousal abuse to the fullest extent possible.
[Jun 14,2004 1:46pm - Abbath ""]
i never seen a waitress pour and spell coffee like that before i mean she did a HORRIBLE JOB
[Jun 14,2004 1:55pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Most waitresses can't even spell coffee right anyway.

I think having everyone standing around was showing how most people, especially the kids, just stand back, for fear or whatever reason, while dad beats mom.

I can see why people are finding these funny, but I didn't really get a kick out of anything aside from the stapler and the bad acting by dad in the coffee shop.
[Jun 14,2004 2:18pm - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
I can see why people are finding these funny, but I didn't really get a kick out of anything aside from the stapler and the bad acting by dad in the coffee shop

Thats what i found funny, but the overall effect it gave me was one of anger, towards those men. Canada goes so far with their commercials to scare people. It's like the news in a way, with their scare tactics.
[Jun 14,2004 3:37pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i find those funny because im a fucked up bastard. in Butterfly Effect, i laughed during the parts where the dog was getting torched and when that father was molesting the little kids. people wanted to hit me.
[Jun 14,2004 3:43pm - aliciagrace ""]
the horse...was on...his head! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA
[Jun 14,2004 5:38pm - Dissector ""]
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit that is hilarious!
[Jun 14,2004 6:43pm - Robdeadskin ""]
that was sick....where did they find children to sit through that.
[Jun 15,2004 12:36am - hoser ""]
Go fix me a turkey pot pie!!!
[Jun 15,2004 12:56am - Kalopsia ""]
i agree with succubus on this one, it wasn't funny at all
[Jun 15,2004 1:47am - ArrowHead ""]
No, sorry, it WAS funny. I think the point you are trying to make is that ABUSE is not funny. COMMERCIALS about abuse, however, are fucking hillarious.
[Jun 15,2004 5:43am - hoser ""]
[Jun 15,2004 6:21am - DugOfXistance ""]
That shit was a riot. It's all about perspective. It wasn't my mother, grandmother, sister, daughter. Until it ever is then it won't be funny stuff. Even if it did ever happen to one of them, I could still laugh at the commercials. Perspective. And yes I too was hit enough when I was growing up. It was just a goofy commercial, albeit with a point, but a point that got lost in the hilarity. Not everything needs to be taken with such seriousness.
[Jun 15,2004 7:34am - succubus ""]
well everyone has their own opinion and a right to think, feel what they want.
whether or not i was abused or knew someone that was, i just do not see the laughter, that is MY opinion. As I already said, the commercials are over the top and were made for shock value..but it did not work out that way for a lot of people on here, that's all.

aaron and i watched them together...i thought they were lame more than funny.
And yes abuse is not funny, but i don't think the commercials were either. The reason i said what i said was because i saw all the ha ha ha's and got annoyed, i don't take it back.

oh and there is a difference between getting hit when you're a child and being abused...
my parents disciplined me yes, and i don't think what they did was wrong. But having someone whip you, torture you and crap like that....there is a difference.
but anyhow..whatever
[Jun 16,2004 2:55am - hoser ""]
Succubus....I still love you. I hahahahahahaha'ed my ass off with no intention of harming anyone. It's the Breakfast Club morality of it that made me laugh....the "Get me a turkey pot pie" part of it. It's not funny, which in retrospect is the point of the commercial. However, I must say that at times I would like to do what that guy did to guys and girls when they piss me off. Whether that commercial had a guy or girl getting a beat down, I would have laughed. What I want you to realize is that intelligent and compassionate people would still find that funny, in a commercial; but I believe with all of my heart that the people here on RTTP simply found it amusing for what it was. So I offer you my empathy for any disturbance that it may have caused you, and my finger for you to pull if you need a laugh.
Now help us find a vocalist.


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