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So far, this is my favorite song of 2012

[Mar 4,2012 6:44pm - Hoser ""]


So beautiful.
[Mar 4,2012 7:38pm - DukeManjunk ""]
according to itunes, this is the song i've listened to the most since christmas....

[Mar 4,2012 7:52pm - dyingmuse ""]
Great song Jake
[Mar 4,2012 9:31pm - The Walking Dead SUCKS  ""]
Old news fag man.
[Mar 5,2012 11:38am - ThirdKnuckle ""]
what is this, Twitter?
[Mar 5,2012 11:38am - Hoser ""]
Hey dinglesnakes, I don't give a wet fart in Hell if it's "old news". I was expressing the fact that it's my favorite song of 2012, not "holy shit check out this new song!!"

I'm not the "first" at everything around here because "I have a job". It's a cool trend, this working for a living stuff. Give it a shot you jawjacking faggot.

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