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Playstation 3

[Mar 5,2012 1:44pm - Yeti ""]
i am in the market for a new system, my PS2 died, but i have heard rumors that the new PS3 is not backwards compatible. does anyone have reliable info on this? i am not going to invest in a new system if it won't play PS2 games.
[Mar 5,2012 1:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
This doesn't have to do with the 90s, Yeti.
[Mar 5,2012 1:54pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Only the 60gb PS3 has the hardware to play PS2 games. All PS3's will play PS1 games.
[Mar 5,2012 2:05pm - arktouros ""]
Off the top of me head, only the 1ST version of the PS3 is backward compatible. They took it out in later versions because they want you to buy the PS2 games (again) on the online store. It sucks. BUT lucky for you I'm looking to get rid of my modded PS2 slim, it plays any copied PS1 or PS2 game.
[Mar 5,2012 2:11pm - Alx_Casket ""]
^best way to do it.

inb4 "ILLEGAL"
[Mar 5,2012 2:14pm - DukeManjunk ""]
my PS3 died after like a year. lame.
[Mar 5,2012 3:11pm - Fake ARIL  ""]

Alx_Casket said:All PS3's will play PS1 games.

Really? I did not know this. You've inspired a trip to gamestop. I'm gonna call Fake ALEX CASKET and see if he wants to go with me.
[Mar 5,2012 3:30pm - Yeti ""]

arktouros said:Off the top of me head, only the 1ST version of the PS3 is backward compatible. They took it out in later versions because they want you to buy the PS2 games (again) on the online store. It sucks. BUT lucky for you I'm looking to get rid of my modded PS2 slim, it plays any copied PS1 or PS2 game.

how much?
[Mar 5,2012 3:34pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Fake%20ARIL said:
Alx_Casket said:All PS3's will play PS1 games.

Really? I did not know this. You've inspired a trip to gamestop. I'm gonna call Fake ALEX CASKET and see if he wants to go with me.

Yeah, I've wasted money on some old news games at garage sales for this reason (while I could just download the PSX rom and play it on my phone for free).
[Mar 5,2012 3:35pm - KEVORD ""]

DukeManjunk said:my PS3 died after like a year. lame.
Mine too. The Bluray lazer broke. But yet my first generation Xbox 360 has never given me the red ring of death.
[Mar 5,2012 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I was just talking about how awesome my PS3 60GB was.
[Mar 5,2012 4:48pm - arktouros ""]

Yeti said:
arktouros said:Off the top of me head, only the 1ST version of the PS3 is backward compatible. They took it out in later versions because they want you to buy the PS2 games (again) on the online store. It sucks. BUT lucky for you I'm looking to get rid of my modded PS2 slim, it plays any copied PS1 or PS2 game.

how much?

for yeti's 3974th birthday, $3974.
[Mar 5,2012 4:48pm - arktouros ""]
(don't go buy in the meantime)
[Mar 5,2012 5:39pm - DukeManjunk ""]

KEVORD said:
DukeManjunk said:my PS3 died after like a year. lame.
Mine too. The Bluray lazer broke. But yet my first generation Xbox 360 has never given me the red ring of death.

mine quit around the same time the PSN got hacked, it just stopped working, all the lights light up, and the A/V cords are all hooked up,,,but i dont get any sound or picture. its been so long since i've pwn'd any n00bz in CoD

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