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would you do this

[Jun 14,2004 2:45pm - putain ""]

[Jun 14,2004 2:48pm - succubus ""]
i know people who've done it
it's nothing new.

actually a couple of weeks ago the_reverend and i saw a married couple...but i don't know how long they have been married for
[Jun 14,2004 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
great... now the boys here are going to save all their $$ and order from russia.

why would they do it?
1) there are no jobs in russia so they get excellent educations and then can't work
2) there is no housing in russia so people end p living with their parents and parent's parents cause they can't get housing.
3) there is a HUGE aids epidemic in russia.

amongst other things...
[Jun 14,2004 3:05pm - Abbath ""]
i just feel bad for them
[Jun 14,2004 4:17pm - JellyFish ""]
if i worked at mcdonalds and my name was mike and i was fat and worthless, i would certainly do this.
[Jun 15,2004 1:43am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Fat, worthless and blonde.

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