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Mr. Doyle gets in trouble after a botched arrangement with a juggalo

[Mar 13,2012 11:36am - Alx_Casket ""]
SPENCER — A 22-year-old man has been charged with illegally tattooing a local teen after allegedly giving the boy alcohol.

According to court documents, George A. Doyle of 20 Main St., Spencer, began harassing the 16-year-old on Monday, looking for payment weeks after he allegedly etched the word, “Juggallo” along the boy's rib cage and the initials SRH and CKY on the teen's arms.

The word Juggallo appears to be a misspelled reference to followers of the controversial band Insane Clown Posse known as Juggalos and considered by the FBI to be a hybrid gang. The initials, according to an internet search, represent Camp Kill Yourself, a punk rock band, and the clothing line “Supporting Radical Habits” founded by the manager of the group Kottonmouth Kings.

Police became aware of the situation on March 5, after a school administrator learned of the allegedly threatening text messages and alerted them. The teen told investigators that Mr. Doyle and another man wanted to fight him and were sending text messages indicating that. There were also references to the teen stealing iPhones as payment.

Mr. Doyle allegedly tattooed the boy in January after he'd “gotten him (the teen) messed up with alcohol,” the police report states.

When police went to Mr. Doyle's home, they noticed he had amateurish tattoos on his body similar to those on the teen. He allegedly told police he'd done the body art himself but would never tattoo another person because it's illegal.

He was arraigned Wednesday in Western Worcester District Court in East Brookfield on charges of illegal tattooing, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon (the tattoo needle) and providing alcohol to a person younger than 21.

He was ordered held in lieu of $300 bail and is due back in court on April 5 for a pretrial hearing. Mr. Doyle also has charges of improper use of a credit card, filing a false report of a crime, assault and battery, and wanton destruction of property pending in the East Brookfield court.

Source: http://www.telegram.com/article/20120309/NEWS/120309538
[Mar 13,2012 11:38am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Alx_Casket said:the word, “Juggallo”

The word Juggallo appears to be a misspelled reference to followers of the controversial band Insane Clown Posse known as Juggalos


[Mar 13,2012 11:40am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 13,2012 11:40am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
The only words I read in that article were: Doyle, Spencer, and Juggalo

[Mar 13,2012 11:46am - Alx_Casket ""]
:point: Glad to see I'm not the only one who can read between the lines.
[Mar 13,2012 11:57am - goatcatalyst ""]
Expert sleuthing, Herr Casket. I was concerned we'd have to call upon Phyllis Diller or the Harlem Globetrotters to get to the bottom of this mystery.
[Mar 13,2012 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha the other day i was stuck in a waiting room so i started reading the Telegram & Gazette, this article was in it. amazing.
[Mar 13,2012 12:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
No comment.
[Mar 13,2012 12:55pm - Yeti ""]
[Mar 13,2012 1:03pm - I dont want to live on this planet anymore  ""]

Alx_Casket said:followers of the controversial band Insane Clown Posse known as Juggalos and considered by the FBI to be a hybrid gang.

What the fuck is a "hybrid gang". Huge LOLs for the FBI caring about juggalos instead of the criminals in public office and at the FED. Excellent use of resources.

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