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TROLLMOON - geneic new school Scandinavian metal appreciation

[Apr 4,2012 3:30pm - ArillibusBM  ""]
Hey guys check out this awesome and utterly obscure SCANDINAVIAN folk black death grind pagan war metal that sounds just like fintroll. I know I rag on local bands for being hipster laden and unoriginal and false but all of these shitty unoriginal false metal bands are from Europe and are so obscure (so shitty) you'd never find out about them if it wasn't for my hypocrisy.
[Apr 4,2012 3:31pm - Chernobyl  ""]
OP is Alx
[Apr 4,2012 3:31pm - arillius_the_white ""]
You mad?
[Apr 4,2012 3:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Only Arillius the Grey is real.

[Apr 4,2012 3:36pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Dear cher, you know I wouldn't stoop this low.
[Apr 4,2012 3:38pm - arillius_the_white ""]
I would assume my bumpage of the Mithotyn thread inspired this. lol@ calling Mithotyn obscure.
[Apr 4,2012 3:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Alx_Casket said:Dear cher, you know I wouldn't stoop this low.


[Apr 4,2012 3:49pm - KEVORD ""]
Stop talking about music guys. This is an all drama zone.
[Apr 4,2012 3:50pm - Alx_Casket ""]
:point: OP
[Apr 4,2012 3:54pm - KEVORD ""]
Yaaaaawwwnnnn. I'd never troll someone for making an actual post about music. They are so few and far between.
[Apr 4,2012 3:59pm - Alx_Casket ""]
And as if I would ever post about music as a troll or otherwise. AS IF.
[Apr 4,2012 4:00pm - ArillibusBM  ""]
Op is Paul

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