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Am I crazy or is the new Six Feet Under less terrible than usual

[Apr 9,2012 4:33pm - KEVORD ""]


[Apr 9,2012 4:33pm - timma ""]
Yes, you are crazy.
[Apr 9,2012 4:34pm - Chernobyl  ""]
Never bothered with this shit band
[Apr 9,2012 4:36pm - Alx_Casket ""]
My old band opened for their tour with Decapitated, Krisiun, and Abysmal Dawn. Everyone left right before SFU. I'll check this when I get home but their older stuff was like the worst shit.
[Apr 9,2012 4:36pm - KEVORD ""]
Chris Barnes is still a queer but the song isn't terrible.
[Apr 9,2012 4:36pm - KEVORD ""]
He has a new backing band.
[Apr 9,2012 4:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

timma said:Yes, you are crazy.
[Apr 9,2012 4:48pm - i_am_lazy  ""]

Alx_Casket said:My old band opened for their tour with Decapitated, Krisiun, and Abysmal Dawn. Everyone left right before SFU. I'll check this when I get home but their older stuff was like the worst shit.

I think I was one of the only ones to stay for SFU. Why I did, I still don't know.
[Apr 9,2012 4:49pm - FuckMyOpinionIsShit  ""]

Song isn't terrible. Chris Barnes just throat fucked FIMS.
[Apr 9,2012 4:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 9,2012 5:01pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I dont hate it.
[Apr 9,2012 5:04pm - Burnsy ""]
It's not horrible but basically just rehashed boring death metal. I feel like I probably heard the whole album in that 2:46.
[Apr 9,2012 5:09pm - KEVORD ""]
I would never buy this. But it seems like a better direction than the other crap. Curious to hear the album.
[Apr 9,2012 5:16pm - arillius_the_white ""]
I prefer GayYard classix
[Apr 9,2012 9:36pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Just listened to half of the video and had to stop. Apart from some "chill" dubstep parts, it was no better than a Brockton band with the same amount of words in their name.
[Apr 9,2012 9:40pm - KEVORD ""]
Well when I'm at the SFU show rockin to Hammer Smashed Face you can sit at home and jack off.
[Apr 9,2012 9:48pm - Burnsy ""]

Alx_Casket said:Just listened to half of the video and had to stop. Apart from some "chill" dubstep parts, it was no better than a Brockton band with the same amount of words in their name.

We have three letters not words, shitdick.
[Apr 9,2012 10:02pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Looking forward to seeing you open for negura bunget with your buddy Brad.
[Apr 9,2012 10:05pm - Burnsy ""]

Alx_Casket said:Looking forward to seeing you open for negura bunget with your buddy buddy band.
[Apr 9,2012 11:40pm - Alx_Casket ""]

[Apr 9,2012 11:44pm - Burnsy ""]
Haha nice
[Apr 9,2012 11:48pm - Burnsy ""]
I'll probably get a cease and desist letter when they hit Worcester.
[Apr 10,2012 12:00am - Alx_Casket ""]
Yeah, those Romanian copyright laws are insanely strict. Would be funny (to me) if you got someone in your band called Brad though.
[Apr 10,2012 12:01am - Burnsy ""]
There'd be an extremely apt new username on rttp.
[Apr 10,2012 10:27am - trioxin245nli  ""]
honestly this probably is 'better' than most six feet under but it's still just, awful.
[Apr 10,2012 10:33am - Thunderstool  ""]
You're fucking nuts assmunch.
[Apr 10,2012 11:15am - johnny108  ""]
I see what u did there.

Anyway about the song: It's better than most of what I've subjected myself too from this band. Sounds more focused.
[Apr 10,2012 11:18am - AndrewBastard ""]
I listened again and I like it hahah...

[Apr 10,2012 11:45am - Fixed  ""]

AndrewBastard said:I kissed a girl and I liked it hahah...


[Apr 10,2012 11:47am - KEVORD ""]
I really like Haunted. If he can get away from the goofy America the Brutal lyrics and has a decent backing band maybe it will be a decent album. Dumbed down death metal but maybe entertaining. Probably not though.
[Apr 10,2012 11:47am - Alx_Casket ""]
Damn, what ever happened to "what happens in Texas, stays in Texas"?
[Apr 10,2012 11:52am - AndrewBastard ""]

Fixed said:
AndrewBastard said:I FUCKED a GUY and I LOVED it hahah...


[Apr 10,2012 12:02pm - xmikex ""]
You're actually not crazy. Granted I haven't listened to a SFU record in years and I don't know who's in the band anymore, but these don't sound like the usual Obituary throw-away riffs. Also it sounds like Barnes actually drank a glass of water in between takes.

Still sucks, but what are you gonna do .
[Apr 10,2012 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
Haunted was one of the first death metal albums i owned and i still love it. everything after it sucks though, when i was 16 i loved Warpath but that quickly changed.
[Apr 10,2012 12:51pm - arillius_the_white ""]

[Apr 11,2012 11:19am - quintessence ""]
Lol The vocals are so over produced and way too loud. Ive never ever liked SFU. Its still pretty bad.
[Jul 8,2012 2:10pm - demondave ""]



I'm listening to it right now, and so far it's not bad. I'm up to the track "18 Days" and this sounds like a simpler version of Cannibal Corpse. It's what I would have pictured him doing after The Bleeding LP. I'll see how the rest of it goes.

[Jul 8,2012 3:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arillius_the_white said:I prefer GayYard classix

I don't care what anybody says, Graveyard Classics II is fucking awesome.

[Jul 8,2012 3:30pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
If it's less terrible, I can assume it's also less hilarious. Do not want.

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