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Mysterious ultra low frequency 'bloop' sound

[Apr 16,2012 2:36pm - Chernobyl  ""]

This might be old news to some but a serious x file right here. Dr. Fox claims it to be several times larger than a blue whale and resembles that of a living creature. Pretty chill.
[Apr 16,2012 2:39pm - Burnsy ""]
It is old news but still a mystery. The truth is out there, Michael.
[Apr 16,2012 2:41pm - DukeManjunk ""]
sounds an awful lot like an air bubble to me.
[Apr 16,2012 3:10pm - Chernobyl  ""]
An air bubble several times larger than a blue whale that has baffled scientists? Im pretty sure most activity including sounds underwater will produce bubz
[Apr 16,2012 3:12pm - DukeManjunk ""]
go fart in a bath tub, it'll make the same sound.
[Apr 16,2012 3:15pm - Chernobyl  ""]
Yes but what kind of animal produces such a fart?
[Apr 16,2012 3:33pm - DukeManjunk ""]
who said anything about it being an animal, it could be a fucking vent that opened up and the noaa microphones caught the sound of an airbubble passing by.
[Apr 16,2012 3:35pm - Chernobyl  ""]
Because the lead researcher and scientist ruled that out and said it resembles an animal, i would take his word over yours. Also im sure they thought of it thats why its unresolved.
[Apr 16,2012 3:39pm - DukeManjunk ""]
ok, so the lead researcher and scientist can tell that this sound, which sounds EXACTLY like someone farting in a pool, is clearly some sort of fucking massive ass whale that has remained undiscovered by humans despite the fact that humans have been traveling on the worlds oceans for the last 700+ years.

clearly my theory is more far fetched than his.
[Apr 16,2012 3:42pm - Burnsy ""]
It's not that it's far fetched, but people who do this shit for a living have ruled out your theory. 97% of the ocean is unexplored, dudeman. We've traveled ON the oceans but not too much IN the oceans.
[Apr 16,2012 3:46pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Apr 16,2012 3:49pm - DukeManjunk ""]

Burnsy said:It's not that it's far fetched, but people who do this shit for a living have ruled out your theory. 97% of the ocean is unexplored, dudeman. We've traveled ON the oceans but not too much IN the oceans.

fucking thing has to come up for air eventually....
[Apr 16,2012 3:51pm - Chernobyl  ""]
Gills, kid. Or massive USO
[Apr 16,2012 3:52pm - Sacreligion ""]
What's a gill?
[Apr 16,2012 3:52pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Apr 16,2012 3:53pm - DukeManjunk ""]
i'm going to build a website with all sorts of fancy audio clips and big smart sounding words to convince people that bigfoot and i battled to the death while standing on top of the loch ness monster.
[Apr 16,2012 3:57pm - Chernobyl  ""]
That would be chill.
[Apr 16,2012 4:25pm - anonymoose  ""]
I heard this sound in my bathroom but it turned out to be the sound of me taking a shit. Mystery solved!
[Apr 16,2012 4:28pm - DukeManjunk ""]

anonymoose said:I heard this sound in my bathroom but it turned out to be the sound of me taking a shit. Mystery solved!

[Apr 16,2012 7:55pm - Chernobyl  ""]
However Phil Lobel, a marine biologist at Boston University, Massachusetts, doubts that giant squid are the source of Bloop.

"Cephalopods have no gas-filled sac, so they have no way to make that type of noise," he said. "Though you can never rule anything out completely, I doubt it."

Nevertheless he agrees that the sound is most likely to be biological in origin.


"NOAA's Dr. Christopher Fox does not believe its origin is man-made, such as a submarine or bomb, or familiar geological events such as volcanoes or earthquakes. While the audio profile of the Bloop does resemble that of a living creature"

[Apr 16,2012 10:41pm - Burnsy ""]
Another mystery... you never told me you played for the J. Geils band cherbear.

[Apr 16,2012 11:05pm - Chernobyl  ""]
No image, guy.
[Apr 17,2012 12:35am - Burnsy ""]
There it is.
[Apr 17,2012 7:31am - aaron_michael ""]
[Apr 17,2012 8:16am - demondave ""]
[Apr 17,2012 8:44am - Burnsy ""]
It's obviously Joel from naeglaria.
[Apr 17,2012 9:02am - arillius_the_white ""]
What is this thread, abovetopsecret circa 2009? Sound is chill.
[Apr 17,2012 9:22am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
The obvious answer:

[Apr 17,2012 10:09am - trioxin245nli  ""]
ITT: Dagon is incontinent.
[Apr 17,2012 10:36am - Yeti ""]

Burnsy said:It's obviously Joel from naeglaria.

hahahaha on the inside of the Scaphism cd i put him in the thanks as Joel "Whale Gutturals" Krantz.
[Apr 17,2012 11:29am - trioxin245nli  ""]

Chernobyl said:
This might be old news to some but a serious x file right here. Dr. Fox claims it to be several times larger than a blue whale and resembles that of a living creature. Pretty chill.

[Apr 17,2012 11:42am - ark  ""]

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