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Cabin in the Woods [2012]

[Apr 18,2012 9:01am - KEVORD ""]
Saw it last night. Pretty fantastic deconstruction of the horror genre. When the shit hits the fan in the 3rd act I marked out big time.Don't go into expecting a straight horror flick. It's more Shawn of the Dead than Dawn of the Dead.
[Apr 18,2012 9:05am - arillius_the_white ""]
lol @ people going to this thinking it's a straight horror flick
[Apr 18,2012 9:06am - KEVORD ""]
The only bad reviews I've read are people who thought they were going to see Wrong Turn 362.
[Apr 18,2012 9:10am - Mark_R ""]
Trying to get my roommate to go see this but they're busy all week, pffft
[Apr 18,2012 10:07am - aaron_michael ""]
Thinking of going to see this tomorrow morning. I heard the ending was just a chaotic shit show of "mythical cameos".
[Apr 18,2012 10:14am - KEVORD ""]
I don't want to ruin too much but it's a blood bath.
[Apr 18,2012 2:13pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I didn't watch a trailer or read about this at all, I just immediately wrote it off because it was called "Cabin in the Woods" but if it's in parody then it makes sense that it'd be a stupid name. Might see.
[Apr 18,2012 2:28pm - KEVORD ""]
Giving it a generic name like Cabin In The Woods is a play on the generic nature of most horror films which is a running theme of the movie. It's not so much a parody. Rather the characters are forced into stereotypical horror plot points.
[Apr 18,2012 2:35pm - Mark_R ""]
Seeing Joss Whedon's name in the produced-by credit was the deal-maker for me.
[Apr 18,2012 2:39pm - KEVORD ""]
I was a fan of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. Good stuff. A lot of people probably avoided it because of the Buffy title but the series had some great horror episodes like Hush.
[Apr 18,2012 2:40pm - Mark_R ""]
I actually have never seen Buffy (weird, I know) but I immediately recognized Fran Kranz in the Cabin trailer (the scientist guy from Dollhouse)
[Apr 18,2012 2:50pm - KEVORD ""]
I highly recommend the Buffy series tons of monsters and people getting killed. Not the teen drama that most people assume it was.
[Apr 18,2012 3:11pm - trioxin_245 ""]

KEVORD said:Giving it a generic name like Cabin In The Woods is a play on the generic nature of most horror films which is a running theme of the movie. It's not so much a parody. Rather the characters are forced into stereotypical horror plot points.

while we're on the subject, has anyone ever seen that movie Behind the Mask? I thought it was pretty clever and well done, albeit a little vain.

[Apr 18,2012 3:15pm - Roeper & Kevord  ""]
Take my word for it, I have a masters in film study and write reviews for the Chicago Tribune.
[Apr 18,2012 3:35pm - KEVORD ""]
Behind the Mask is good. They have a kickstarter for a sequel.
[Apr 18,2012 6:37pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
the movie is amazing, and pretty much ruins all upcoming horror for me. horror movies gotta bring their goddamn A game from now on.
[Apr 18,2012 6:38pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
cabin that is. not behind the mask. though that was pretty good too.
[Aug 31,2012 8:41am - AndrewBastard ""]
watching this last night...kinda cool. kinda stupid.

at least it was different.
[Aug 31,2012 8:43am - AndrewBastard ""]

KEVORD said:I highly recommend the Buffy series tons of monsters and people getting killed. Not the teen drama that most people assume it was.

i heard this from so many different people...

downloading season 1 now.
[Aug 31,2012 9:03am - Bradsauce NLI  ""]
Dude, "Hush" is a fuckin killer episode. Season 4, episode 10.
[Oct 17,2012 7:55pm - the_reverend ""]
just put on
[Oct 17,2012 8:46pm - Boozegood ""]
Chiming in for Buffy. Avoided it growing up because it was FOR CHIX obviously, but it rules.

Also a lot of solid out of place 90s type stuff.

[Oct 17,2012 9:43pm - nekronaut ""]
Movie sucked.
[Oct 18,2012 9:12am - the_reverend ""]
oops... I hit play and passed out in about 2 minutes.
[Oct 18,2012 10:23am - posbleak ""]
Not a Whedon fan but I really enjoyed the first 2/3rds of this movie, sort of fell apart at the end

Going in knowing absolutely nothing about the movie helped a lot
[Oct 18,2012 10:29am - mattvc ""]

nekronaut said:Movie sucked.

Yeah, I don't get the praise. This movie was fucking awful.
[Oct 23,2012 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
it was ok.. cheese effects and interesting idea.

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