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Attn: Tom

[Jun 16,2004 4:01pm - retzam ""]
Hey, I ordered a Bodom shirt from JSR Direct 7 or 8 days ago, and I was wondering, where is it? Hahaha, I am not complaining or anything, I just thought they shipped from around here somewhere so when it wasn't here after like 4 days I was surprised, and it still hasn't come.
[Jun 16,2004 4:09pm - RustedAngel ""]
uuuummmmmmmmm.... yeah we're slow. I can check into that though. what's your name? pm me if you need too.
[Jun 16,2004 4:10pm - retzam ""]
Its under my mom's name for credit card reasons: Nancy Gustafson
[Jun 16,2004 4:19pm - JellyFish ""]
I just got a hooded sweatshirt in the mail yesterday and i ordered it on the 4th of june. I was expecting to have waited for 6 weeks or something, so i was very surprised when i got it this soon.
[Jun 16,2004 5:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
will try to find out tomorrow, everyone friggen left.
[Jun 16,2004 5:21pm - jesus ""]
[Jun 16,2004 5:31pm - retzam ""]
My god jesus...

Thanks Tom \m/
[Jun 20,2004 5:52pm - retzam ""]
Hey man, it came yesterday :newhorns:
[Jun 20,2004 11:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
cool man, I was getting worried ;)
[Jun 21,2004 11:25am - retzam ""]

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