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Bow down to your true rock masters

[May 3,2012 8:20pm - Sonic Titan  ""]
From the annals of history and pages of lore. A band did emerge such as never heard before. They were a collective of Satan’s own stock. They rule the Earth with their well crafted rock. Consisting of Shaun Anzalone the wielder of leads and rhythm, accompanied by Steve McCaul the bass grooving master, and held inform by the time binding pulse of Tom Symes, Sonic Titan reigns supreme.

They originated from the desolate, vapid imposition of the contemporary music scene. In a world of tired, overdone, and uninspired riffs arranged around a lyrical inclination towards a complete tautology, three like minded musicians gathered from their respective fields and formed their generations next great power trio. They’re destined to save the future of music from unyielding stagnation, guided by the hand of providence and patroned by the metaphysical lord of matter. Satan himself felt the growing of their might and folded the powers of the universe to serve his three champions

[May 3,2012 9:24pm - Sonic Titan  ""]
Looks like none of you fags can touch the rock. Suck on that rock, posers.
[May 3,2012 10:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Is this raynard and bova's new band?
[May 3,2012 10:42pm - nekronaut ""]

[May 3,2012 11:41pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Way to make friends.
[May 4,2012 2:39am - DukeManjunk ""]
i can actually vouch for sonic titan, their suprisingly good considering none of them are old enough to drink yet.
[May 4,2012 3:13am - the_reverend ""]
[May 4,2012 8:03am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
^ hysterical
[May 4,2012 8:07am - nekronaut ""]

DukeManjunk said:i can actually vouch for sonic titan, their suprisingly good considering none of them are old enough to drink yet.

...because being of legal drinking age matters when it comes to a band sucking or not
[May 4,2012 9:25am - DukeManjunk ""]

nekronaut said:
DukeManjunk said:i can actually vouch for sonic titan, their suprisingly good considering none of them are old enough to drink yet.

...because being of legal drinking age matters when it comes to a band sucking or not

it does. who knows...these guys could turn 21 and go downhill quick, especially in the "live performance"part.

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