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ITT: paste your last sms you sent.

[May 4,2012 10:12pm - the_reverend ""]
" That is why they call it eating out."
[May 4,2012 10:37pm - KEVORD ""]
“Do you think it's hard to wipe your ass with two missing digits?”
[May 4,2012 10:40pm - KEVORD ""]
Misread the thread title. My response was “Probably not cause girls don't shit” .
[May 4,2012 10:41pm - nekronaut ""]

KEVORD said:“Do you think it's hard to wipe your ass with two missing digits?”

This was me.
[May 4,2012 10:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
"Personality changes like that are a symptom of Alzheimer's."
[May 5,2012 3:47pm - the_reverend ""]
"I'm guessing right now just drunk on cum, but probably still a little drink from last night."
[May 5,2012 4:36pm - trioxin_245 ""]
what is sms?
[May 5,2012 5:14pm - Burnsy ""]
[May 5,2012 9:12pm - DukeManjunk ""]
" i'm near union station, i'll be there soon!"

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