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Quitting RTTP results in good things.

[May 7,2012 4:15pm - NEWS UPDATE  ""]
Since FuckIsMySignature has stopped posting, he has lost weight and got a girlfriend. He is much happier than before. If he can do it, why can't you?
[May 7,2012 4:20pm - DukeManjunk ""]
Service in the 160th is a calling only a few will answer, for the mission is constantly demanding and hard. And when the impossible has been accomplished, the only reward is another mission that no one else will try. As a member of the Night Stalkers, I am a tested volunteer, seeking only to safeguard the honor and prestige of my country, by serving the elite Special Operations Soldiers of the United States. I pledge to maintain my body, mind and equipment in a constant state of readiness for I am a member of the fastest deployable Task Force in the world - ready to move at a moments notice anytime, anywhere, arriving on target plus or minus 30 seconds.

I guard my unit's mission with secrecy, for my only true ally is the night and the element of suprise. My manner is that of the Special Operations Quiet Professional, secrecy is a way of life. In battle, I eagerly meet the enemy for I volunteered to be up front where the fighting is hard. I fear no foe's ability, nor underestimate his will to fight.

The mission and my precious cargo are my concern. I will never surrender. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

Gallantly will I show the world and the elite forces I support that a Night Stalker is a specially selected and well trained soldier.

I serve with the memory and pride of those who have gone before me for they loved to fight, fought to win and would rather die than quit.

Night Stalkers Don't Quit!
[May 7,2012 4:22pm - the_reverend ""]
OP is old news
[May 7,2012 4:53pm - KEVORD ""]
Lamb of god still sucks.
[May 7,2012 5:11pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
When FIMS girlfriend saw him posting this troll thread she left him and he instantly gained back the weight he lost like when Homer saw it was Bart who led the Kamp Krusty mutiny.
[May 7,2012 10:36pm - Sacreligion ""]
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Tacos and Burritos
[May 8,2012 3:24am - defecation enthusiast  ""]
this guy must have had some epic shits in order to have lost so much weight so quickly
[May 8,2012 8:53am - the_reverend ""]
pics or didn't happen.
[May 8,2012 1:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
OP has failed to quit
[May 8,2012 2:15pm - DickInMyButtNature  ""]
My girlfriend has a dick.


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