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If you pay $322 for an Agalloch boxset your an idiot with shitty taste in music

[May 8,2012 5:57pm - KEVORD ""]



If anything is certain in this world, it’s death, taxes and the price of Agalloch box sets. Seriously, if you’re one of those people who’s preparing for the apocalypse like the folks on Nat Geo’s Doomsday Preppers then you might want to add to some Agalloch box sets to your cache of canned goods, guns and gold; they’ll only ever go up in value!

The latest box set, The Demonstration Archive 1996-1998, was announced in typical Agalloch fashion with no build-up or hype whatsoever: just “Hey, it’s out now, so order it.” This set consists of three of Agalloch’s oldest and rarest recordings and was released on a single CD back in 2008 but is now available on vinyl (x3) for the first time ever, is limited to just 500 copies, and also naturally includes all sorts of extra-dookie artwork and packaging (pictured above).

Order the set here for €60 (~$78), which is not a bad deal at all considering what’s included. Shipping is free within Germany (where the label releasing the set, Eisenton, is based), and costs €15.50 (slow, ~$20.16) / €24.50 (fast, ~$31.86) for the rest of the world. But that’s not stopping folks from ordering theirs and immediately posting them on eBay for $300 and even $322, with more surely to come as soon as word gets out. The Agalloch black market lives on.

[May 8,2012 6:01pm - Chernobyl ""]
Spending money on gear and drugs > records
[May 8,2012 6:05pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Agalloch sucks, least appealing music ever.
[May 8,2012 6:08pm - KEVORD ""]
Decibel made Marrow of the Spirit album of the year two years ago. Most boring shit ever.
[May 8,2012 6:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'll pay $400 if the Spanish moss and stick come with.
[May 8,2012 6:12pm - arillius_the_white ""]
Your arrested.
[May 8,2012 6:15pm - Lamp ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Agalloch sucks, least appealing music ever.

Hoser likes them and I ignore anything he says on this forum as a matter of principle.
[May 8,2012 6:16pm - Chernobyl ""]
Theres nothing wrong with agalli, boys settle down
[May 8,2012 6:28pm - arktouros ""]
good band, lame money grab release, probably to pay for those weird extra letters in "Demo".

[May 8,2012 6:29pm - andrewbastard nli  ""]
Marrow of the spirit is weak..I agree. But I looovvvee pale folk lore and the mantle...that being said: fuck that box set.
[May 8,2012 6:37pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I'm releasing a box set that doesn't contain any physical music; just some twigs, a vole skeleton, two handfuls of moss and lichens and a half-eaten bag of cooler ranch doritos.
[May 8,2012 7:32pm - Hoser ""]

Lamp said:
BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Agalloch sucks, least appealing music ever.

Hoser likes them and I ignore anything he says on this forum as a matter of principle.

Not only do I like them, but I'm very good friends with Jason. I know how hard they worked on these albums. Support!
[May 8,2012 7:35pm - Hoser ""]
Jason also asked me for a recording of a piece that I did for his solo album. These guys are awesome. Don and Jon are a bit stuck up, but Jason is a class act. I wouldn't pay $300 for any music, considering that in 20 years, almost all music, especially metal, will be obsolete.
[May 8,2012 7:37pm - Hoser ""]
BTW....listening to WOY, Woods V right now.
[May 8,2012 8:07pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
How about the idiots paying 700 bucks for Jane Doe paintings from Jacob Bannon.

Where the fuck are these people getting their money shit sold out, day of...!!!!
[May 8,2012 8:13pm - trioxin245 nli  ""]
pfft I ony paid like 120 for the fuckin throbbing gristle box set and even that was way too much.
[May 8,2012 8:36pm - Eli_HHCB ""]
Bannon did that art? I thought it was hess.
[May 8,2012 8:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

Eli_HHCB said:Bannon did that art? I thought it was hess.

The paintings were being sold at jacobbannon.com, so I assumed such.
[May 8,2012 8:43pm - KEVORD ""]
Jane Doe was Bannon.
[May 8,2012 9:49pm - The Rev Chord  ""]

Hoser said:in 20 years, almost all music, especially metal, will be obsolete.

Lol Wut? Did Jason tell you he heard that from Hunter Hendrix at coachella?
[May 9,2012 2:37am - truequintessence_nli  ""]

andrewbastard%20nli said:Marrow of the spirit is weak..I agree. But I looovvvee pale folk lore and the mantle...that being said: fuck that box set.[/QUOTE

Once again andrew shares my opinion. No further comment necessary. Box sets for for nerds. Agalloch is for nerds... Im kind of a nerd, dont like the new shit though.

[May 9,2012 6:35am - the_reverend ""]
The mantle is one of my fav albums of all time.
[May 9,2012 7:07am - arillius_the_white ""]
Agreed with Andrew/Frank but I think Marrow holds more value than Asses Against the Grain.
[May 9,2012 9:01am - MikeOv  ""]
Great band, I've enjoyed everything they've put out.
[May 9,2012 9:56am - farten_dust ""]
weird, i just realized i used to work with jon about 15 years ago. he spent a summer in holderness and he was a dishwasher at the restaurant i worked at. matter a fact i think i still have the demo he gave me...."of this oak" i believe it was called.
[May 9,2012 10:00am - dreadkill ""]

arillius_the_white said:Agreed with Andrew/Frank but I think Marrow holds more value than Asses Against the Grain.
i feel the same way.
[May 9,2012 10:02am - xmikex ""]
Does that stylish tree branch come with it?
[May 9,2012 10:08am - MikeOv  ""]

xmikex said:Does that stylish tree branch come with it?

Yes, and it's imbibed with old pagan magic.
[May 9,2012 11:42am - Hoser ""]

The%20Rev%20Chord said:
Hoser said:in 20 years, almost all music, especially metal, will be obsolete.

Lol Wut? Did Jason tell you he heard that from Hunter Hendrix at coachella?

Sorry....came out wrong. I meant that all modern almost all modern music will be obsolete...meaning that there will always be something to come along that's bigger/better.
[May 9,2012 11:47am - arktourOs ""]
mehh...i think all the best music has already been made. even all the best alt stuff out there now rips off jazz/funk/soul of the past 80 years.
[May 9,2012 11:49am - arktourOs ""]
but i guess kids today are making bigger and better music with synthesizers, kick drum triggers and two singers, so it's whatever.
[May 9,2012 11:49am - Alx_Casket ""]
^agreed, with the exception of dubstep.
[May 9,2012 11:49am - arktourOs ""]
[May 9,2012 11:52am - Burnsy ""]

arktourOs said:mehh...i think all the best music has already been made. even all the best alt stuff out there now rips off jazz/funk/soul of the past 80 years.

Backed. Since my CD player shit the bed in my car, I've been listening to a shit ton of classical. Modern composers can't even touch the musical prowess of classical composers like Beethoven and Debussy.
[May 9,2012 12:14pm - arillius_the_white ""]
Fuck Classical Era Classical.
[May 9,2012 12:16pm - Burnsy ""]
Go suck off Copeland about it.
[May 9,2012 12:20pm - arillius_the_white ""]
[May 9,2012 5:38pm - chrisREX ""]
I got the box set in the mail yesterday. It's real nice actually. That being said, I'll sell it here to anyone for nice discount of $299.99.

[May 9,2012 5:41pm - chrisREX ""]
But I reserve the right to keep the fuckin flag. All box sets should have flags.
[May 10,2012 7:58am - Yeti ""]
net profit to me: -299.99 dollars. oh please, please take my 299.99 dollars.
[May 10,2012 12:07pm - Lol at cynical RTTP fucks  ""]
Alright grandpappy can you tell me again how the past is always better than the present and stories about how all music today is derivative but somehow the classic music you miss isn't derivative even though virtually all creative expression is inherently derivative.
[May 10,2012 12:17pm - arillius_the_white ""]
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