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70-year-old virgin says she’s finally ready for love

[May 11,2012 9:11am - the_reverend ""]

do her on top of her hemorrhoid donut.
[May 11,2012 9:28am - Let's_Do_This  ""]

[May 11,2012 1:06pm - yummy ""]
Those legs don't look 70. Everything else does, I think.
[May 12,2012 10:18am - travis  ""]
ewwwwwwwww pukey
[May 12,2012 11:21am - the_mex ""]
[May 12,2012 1:56pm - DukeManjunk ""]
i'll never forget the time right before I went to iraq for the second time me and all my friends were at this bar and we all dared one kid the lay the mack down on this one old broad sitting at the bar. well....long story short he ended up going home with her, and the next day i asked him what 70 something year old pussy was like. his response? "ever pulled apart a grilled cheese sandwich before?"
[May 13,2012 6:45pm - hungtableeeed  ""]
"do her on top of her hemorrhoid donut. "

HA-HA that's a fuckin' riot!!!! I call bologna on this shit....

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