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[QUOTE="RustedAngel:102088"]yes, I do have the titty pics, so do you, and tim :) well, the fest is over with... I had a great time at this! The sound system was awesome, the weather was awesome (no rain at all)... we got there around 3:30 or 4... I didn't get to watch the first couple of bands cause I was too busy being social. Life At Zero: the first band I actually watched (obviously)... I don't know why they got put on so early, I think all the death bands should have been bunched up at the end when it was dark. I had nothing to do with the the lineup though. Sick fuckin set though, Mike is getting better vox everytime! Nicks drumming is rediculous! where the hell have you been all my life? Andy, you fuckin rock man! Purenform: (Insert long ass setup time, cell phone talking, looking for guitar strings, and drinking beer from cups setup neatly on top of your amp) These guys were what I expected them to be, Wannabee rock stars. They played a full 14 song setlist of generic metallicaish rock and lame dialogue in between songs. Then they played and encore as if people other than their few groupies actually wanted to see. I can't help it but it was horrible. They were the reason why this show went as late as it did and why suicide contest almost didn't play. Breather: Joel from senseless on drums and doug on bass... just some hardcorish / screamo stuff... not my style, but kids there dug em! Senseless Mutilation: Sick vocals and slams! tore shit up pretty well!! Can't wait for the 24th at milly's! Porphyria: This was the funnest show we've played so far, as far as tightness goes I'd have to say the least tightest but people said they didn't really notice anything wrong (drunk people, hehehe)... there was a fight during the slam at the end of deprivation, and then a break where tim told them it was their last chance to settle whatever their problem was... it was pretty weird, as long as no one got hurt. Lukorrehea: so sick!! drove 5 hours to come and play this show, I'm glad they came up, I enjoyed this set 100 x more than the last time I saw them a couple years ago or so. Brutal sheeitt! 5 minutes hate: Also drove a long ways, and by this time it was getting late and everyone was getting tired including me. They started off great, but had a little mishap during the first song when part of lukorreaha's drumset got knocked over... this put a delay on things. They came back on and ripped it up despite the mishap. Suicide Contest: almost didn't play cause it was so late, but they finally got to play after a long ass day, and the people that are into them had a good time. Not my type of thrash though! I'm and exodus/overkill youngin. We went back to our practice spot and had a good night sleep! Hope everyone who camped out had a good time and all the bands that drove made it home safely. Cya next time mothafukas![/QUOTE]
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