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Thread of unending blasphemic truth

[May 13,2012 3:50pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA  ""]
(1) Most people are fairly dumb, since the average IQ is 103 and to understand this message you'll need at least a 115. Worse, most people are moral cowards who ignore the consequences of their actions.
[May 13,2012 3:52pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA  ""]
(2) Metalcore and "tech death" (deathgrind, "progressive" death metal, "melodic" death metal) are all failures because they have mixed motives. They try to combine two opposite directions and end up with equivocation disguised as variety. The result is comedic carnival music of no artistic or musical importance.
[May 13,2012 3:53pm - Burnsy ""]
I don't get it.
[May 13,2012 3:53pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA  ""]
(3) The average IQ of African-Americans is 89, one standard deviation below white people but about ten points higher than in Africa. This suggests that evolution did indeed branch, which resulted in those who made the pilgrimage to the north being more intelligent and having inherent tendencies toward social order, not just socialization. The difference is profound, which is why it's taboo to talk about it.
[May 13,2012 4:25pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Conservationist must be really damn bored today
[May 13,2012 5:30pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yes, but at times I do enjoy his rantings. Please go on.
[May 13,2012 5:36pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA  ""]
(4) War metal "by douchebags, for douchebags" is the metal equivalent of gangsta rap.
[May 13,2012 5:37pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA  ""]
(5) If there were any legitimacy to criticism of what I'm doing, it would focus on the substance of what I say and not myself as a person.
[May 13,2012 5:37pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA  ""]
(5)Although point (3) should note that IQ tests often display cultural biases and I have zero background in the sciences beyond running a death metal radio show.
[May 13,2012 5:40pm - largefreakatzero ""]
^shouldn't that have been (6)?
[May 13,2012 8:15pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA  ""]
No cultural bias to IQ test. That's a fantasy that low scorers tell themselves to justify their failure.

[May 13,2012 8:17pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA  ""]
(6) Retarded people contribute nothing to society and are a net drain. If we euthanize them, we will miss nothing and have more resources for people who can actually contribute, tie their own shoes, etc.
[May 13,2012 11:51pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA  ""]
(7) No diverse society has ever thrived. In fact, they have all ended up third world ruins.
[May 13,2012 11:54pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA ""]
(8) Homosexuals are more likely to die young from congenital defects.
[May 14,2012 12:00am - lucidcursenli  ""]
False non prophet organizations
[May 14,2012 1:02am - chernobyl ""]
Asians are smarter but not as cool looking as white people.
[May 14,2012 1:19am - NO_LIMIT_NILLA ""]
Asians are smarter on average, with fewer exceptional individuals. Ashkenazi Jews rank highest.
[May 14,2012 1:28am - Arsenio Hall  ""]
[May 14,2012 9:32am - NO_LIMIT_NILLA ""]
(9) Women lag five IQ points behind men.
[May 14,2012 3:53pm - creme fresh  ""]
I think I'd rather be stupid than Asian or Jewish.
[May 14,2012 5:47pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA ""]
These are IQ averages. The Caucasian majority is at a disadvantage because it produces such a wide range. It's interesting that some categories appear to have fewer Jews and Asians in them, such as artistic ones. I don't know what that means at this time.

[May 14,2012 6:45pm - creme fesh  ""]
Makes sense. Aren't many Asian classical music virtuosos or Jews in film. What do they know about art.
[May 14,2012 11:41pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA ""]
(10) Homosexuals are over-represented in art, pedophilia and espionage.
[May 15,2012 6:59pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA ""]
University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers placed sensors on the heads of 9-month -old babies (this already sounds like a dystopian nightmare) and measured brain activity when infants were shown pictures of white and black faces expressing emotion. Five-month-old babies could differentiate between happy or sad faces in both races equally. Nine-month-old babies related better to their own race. Also, the 5-month-olds' brain activity happened in the front of the brain; the older, more racist babies experienced activity in the back.

[May 15,2012 7:01pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA ""]
Both men and women perceive women in their underwear who are posing in advertisements or billboards as objects, but see men in their underwear posing in the same type of advertisements as people, according to a new psychological study.

Researchers reporting in the May 2012 issue of the journal Psychological Science explained that based their findings on a psychological theory that the brain perceives people and objects differently.

[May 15,2012 8:30pm - Sleazy Rider  ""]
I'm sorry Cathy. I don't think anyone wants to fuck you. Ya better move on.
[May 15,2012 10:31pm - snowden ""]

NO_LIMIT_NILLA said:I have zero background in the sciences beyond running a death metal radio show.

I'm not sure how to parse this until you tell us more about this science/death metal radio show. Are you like, splicing tape and running your own mixing board? Or just talking into a USB mic?
[May 16,2012 12:08pm - the_reverend ""]
Love this thread
[May 16,2012 12:45pm - ThrilliVanilli ""]

NO_LIMIT_NILLA said:(6) Retarded people contribute nothing to society and are a net drain. If we euthanize them, we will miss nothing and have more resources for people who can actually contribute, tie their own shoes,

Real gem right here
[May 16,2012 7:13pm - Lamp ""]
[May 16,2012 9:53pm - KEVORD ""]

the_reverend said:Love this thread
No_Limit Rev Identified.
[May 17,2012 1:15am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:16am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:17am - ben  ""]
this ones for the haters.
[May 17,2012 1:17am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:19am - ben  ""]
reverse corpse paint. yeah nigs did it first, as usual in the p.c. colonies
[May 17,2012 1:20am - ben  ""]
to bad we have far more niggers among us then people or apes put together.
[May 17,2012 1:21am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:22am - ben  ""]
here in africa we just do things differently then you dumb westerners. respect our culture damn it!
[May 17,2012 1:24am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:26am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:27am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:30am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:31am - ben  ""]
can you see a story line here?
[May 17,2012 1:33am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:36am - ben  ""]
[img] heres a dumb nig that admits it!
[May 17,2012 1:37am - ben  ""]
[img] CAN WE GET THIS NEGRO TO RUN THE (not so) WhiteHouse NEXT? oh, they have to be at least half white? darn.
[May 17,2012 1:39am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:39am - ben  ""]
[May 17,2012 1:40am - ben  ""]

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