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CSDO at New England Dragway in Epping, NH on 6/16/12

[show listing]  _______________________________________________
[May 28,2012 2:26pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Candy Striper Death Orgy will be playing a show at New England Dragway (Epping, NH) during the "Funny Cars Under The Stars" event on Saturday June 16th!! Gates open at 8am with racing all day. The main gate opens at 3pm with the "big" show starting at 6pm. CSDO hits the stage after first round of Nitro, Alcohol and Jet Funny Cars (around 7pm) in the Funny Car pit area. $30 gets you in all day and night. As always N.E.D. is all ages!! Bring extra money for food, drinks and merchandise
[Jun 6,2012 5:56pm - subterfuge  ""]
Worked with and saw csdo for the first time last year when they played @ new england dragway. It was cool. Metal and racing.
[Jun 6,2012 10:08pm - 100% post consumer content  ""]
Can fellow NH metallers Vatnett Viskar get on this?
[Jun 10,2012 12:03pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
The people at the Dragstrip don't normally have bands play... But since we work with several teams and the track, we're allowed to play at the event. May'be down the line, we might be able to set up a full concert there.
[Jun 10,2012 7:31pm - 100% post consumer content  ""]
Thanks, Century Media grab-bags will be available when given the opportunity
[Jun 12,2012 3:02pm - subterfuge  ""]
I wish this could be a full show with several bands. The track has a great festival feel.
[Jun 15,2012 1:15pm - Scott CSDO roadcrew  ""]
Here at the porn store in Salem with Eric. Just picked up the new t-shirts for him. We can't wait till tomorrow. With the nice weather, the place will be packed!
[Jun 15,2012 8:08pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Go to : www.newenglanddragway.com and check out the first page

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