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Autolatry US Tour 2012

[May 29,2012 2:42pm - yildundave ""]
Connecticut based black metal band Autolatry are embarking on a 40+ date tour of the United States this summer, in support of their EP, "Of The Land" The first string of East Coast dates have been announced:

7/12 Worcester, MA – Ralph’s
7/13 Philadelphia, PA – JR’s
7/14 Richmond, VA – Strange Matter
7/15 Harrisonburg, VA – Blue Nile
7/16 Johnson City, TN – The Hideaway
7/17 Raleigh, NC – Axemanor
7/18 Spartanburg, SC – Ground Zero
7/19 Winston Salem, NC – venue tba
7/20 Asheville, NC – The Get Down
7/21 Greensville, SC – The Radio Room
7/23 Jacksonville, FL – Shantytown Pub
7/25 Orlando, FL – venue tba
7/26 Tampa, FL – The Brass Mug
7/27 Miami, FL – venue tba
7/28 Gainesville, FL – venue tba
7/30 New Orleans, LA -Siberia
7/31 Houston, TX – The White Swan
8/1 Austin, TX – Dirty Dogs

Tour is being booked by Riff Lifter Touring http://www.rifflifter.com/
[May 29,2012 2:44pm - Rockumentary  ""]
40 dates? LOL
[May 29,2012 2:47pm - black metal fan  ""]
[May 29,2012 5:21pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

"That bassist's chances of getting any pussy on this tour are pretty...


[May 29,2012 8:41pm - yildundave ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:http://youtu.be/99TeQ3tSLkI

"That bassist's chances of getting any pussy on this tour are pretty...



Hahaha. He isn't in the band anymore anyway.
[May 29,2012 8:42pm - lulztrain  ""]

yildundave said:

Hahaha. He isn't in the band anymore anyway.

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:http://youtu.be/99TeQ3tSLkI

"Those gutarists chances of getting any pussy on this tour are pretty...



[May 29,2012 8:42pm - lulztrain  ""]
guitarists* fucker
[Jun 28,2012 3:48pm - Analnymous  ""]
Kicks off in two weeks at Ralph's with Draekon(Indiana power metal) Fires of Old and one tba.

Still a few dates to sure up but here's how it looks now.

July 12, 2012 @ Ralph's :: Worcester MA
July 13, 2012 @ JR's :: Philadelphia PA
July 14, 2012 @ Strange Matter :: Richmond VA
July 15, 2012 @ Blue Nile :: Harrisonburg VA
July 16, 2012 @ The Hideaway :: Johnson City TN
July 17, 2012 @ Axemanor :: Raleigh NC
July 18, 2012 @ The Courtroom :: Rock Hill SC
July 19, 2012 @ The Black Lodge :: Winston-Salem NC
July 20, 2012 @ The Get Down :: Asheville NC
July 21, 2012 @ The Radio Room :: Greenville SC
July 22, 2012 @ Conundrum Music Hall :: West Columbia SC
July 23, 2012 @ Shantytown Pub :: Jacksonville FL
July 25, 2012 @ The Peacock Room :: Orlando FL
July 26, 2012 @ The Brass Mug :: Tampa FL
July 27, 2012 @ with Faethom :: Miami FL
July 28, 2012 @ 1982 :: Gainesville FL
July 30, 2012 @ Siberia :: New Orleans LA
July 31, 2012 @ The White Swan :: Houston TX
August 1, 2012 @ Dirty Dog :: Austin TX Vex tour kick off
August 2, 2012 @ The Korova :: San Antonio TX
August 3, 2012 @ Vientiane Nights :: Amarillo TX
August 5, 2012 @ 910 Live :: Tempe AZ
August 6, 2012 @ Shakedown Bar :: San Diego CA
August 7, 2012 @ World Blackened :: Los Angeles CA
August 8, 2012 @ On the Y :: Sacramento CA
August 10, 2012 @ Central Valley DM :: Fresno CA
August 11, 2012 @ Musichead :: Medford OR
August 12, 2012 @ The Know :: Portland OR
August 13, 2012 @ 2 Bit Saloon :: Seattle WA
August 14, 2012 @ The Hop :: Spokane WA
August 18, 2012 @ The Blue Pig :: Milwaukee WI
August 19, 2012 @ Ultra Lounge :: Chicago IL
August 23, 2012 @ Saint Vitus :: Brooklyn NY
[Jun 28,2012 4:31pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 28,2012 5:53pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Lol @ spending 6 days in NC/SC
[Jun 28,2012 7:13pm - boblovesmusic ""]
that's a very long tour
[Jun 28,2012 7:32pm - blue ""]

Alexecutioner said:Lol @ spending 6 days in NC/SC

yeah really.
[Jun 28,2012 8:53pm - Analnymous  ""]
makes for short drives and a lot of shows. Sounds good to me.
[Jun 28,2012 9:14pm - blue ""]
hey, if you think that NC/SC is a hotbed for killer shows be my guest.
[Jun 28,2012 11:34pm - Give up  ""]
You guys are fucking retarded
[Jun 29,2012 12:03am - josh_hates_you ""]
This "black metal" band sucks. Just go back to being that stupid tech death band Yildun.

Inb4 they get signed to century media. Grab bag faggots.
[Jun 29,2012 2:17am - lucidcursenli  ""]

josh_hates_you said:This "black metal" band sucks. Just go back to being that stupid tech death band Yildun.

Inb4 they get signed to century media. Grab bag faggots.

[Jun 29,2012 9:48am - krank2-0  ""]

josh_hates_you said:This "black metal" band sucks. Just go back to being that stupid tech death band Yildun.

Inb4 they get signed to century media. Grab bag faggots.

Faggots? YOU are a faggot!
[Jun 29,2012 12:29pm - Alexecutioner ""]

blue said:hey, if you think that NC/SC is a hotbed for killer shows be my guest.

LOL my thoughts exactly
[Jun 29,2012 4:12pm - Analnymous  ""]

blue said:hey, if you think that NC/SC is a hotbed for killer shows be my guest.

I guess we'll see how it goes haha

As far as bringing back Yildun goes, maybe one day. Got boring to us. I know this stuff bores you, but fuck it, we like what we do.
[Jun 29,2012 5:09pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Analnymous said:
blue said:hey, if you think that NC/SC is a hotbed for killer shows be my guest.

I guess we'll see how it goes haha

As far as bringing back Yildun goes, maybe one day. Got boring to us. I know this stuff bores you, but fuck it, we like what we do.

Props to this response! haha I dug the CD and the live set I've seen. Hope the tour goes well.
[Jun 29,2012 9:38pm - blue ""]

Analnymous said:
blue said:hey, if you think that NC/SC is a hotbed for killer shows be my guest.

I guess we'll see how it goes haha

As far as bringing back Yildun goes, maybe one day. Got boring to us. I know this stuff bores you, but fuck it, we like what we do.

not being a huge dick, just a mild one. i just see a bunch of states getting killed with shows, yet nothing pretty much in NY, MI, OH, CO, UT and other cities/states that would be solid for metal shows.
[Jun 29,2012 10:34pm - chernobyl ""]
Mild blue dick erection semi
[Jun 29,2012 11:00pm - Analnymous  ""]
I know what you're saying, and yeah there are definitely are some places we aren't playing that I'd love too, it's just the way the routing took us. And there are more dates that haven't been fully locked down yet that will be very shortly.
[Jun 30,2012 2:42am - Lamp ""]
How is a band retarded for going on tour and giving it a shot? Worst case scenario is everyone hates them, best case scenario is some people think they're cool. Either way they get to go on a road trip. Fuck it, who cares. Travel is awesome.
[Jul 21,2012 5:52pm - yildundave ""]

blue said:
Analnymous said:
blue said:hey, if you think that NC/SC is a hotbed for killer shows be my guest.

I guess we'll see how it goes haha

As far as bringing back Yildun goes, maybe one day. Got boring to us. I know this stuff bores you, but fuck it, we like what we do.

not being a huge dick, just a mild one. i just see a bunch of states getting killed with shows, yet nothing pretty much in NY, MI, OH, CO, UT and other cities/states that would be solid for metal shows.

We actually just changed our routing a bit. Looks like we will hit all the states you mention, including Denver, CO, Salt Lake, UT, someplace in Ohio, Lansing, MI, and Brooklyn, NY on the way back from the west.
[Jul 21,2012 5:59pm - Lamp ""]
I guess you guys played my friend's house down in Raleigh (he's in the band Noctomb) and I saw him post something on FB about how great the show was.
[Jul 21,2012 7:47pm - Arist ""]
Autolatry is amazing, played with you guys at Ralph's last week! good luck on the rest of the tour
[Jul 21,2012 8:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just like LOLing touring black metal bands
[Jul 22,2012 11:23pm - Swinesack nil  ""]
This band rocks hard. Hope tour is going well.
[Jul 23,2012 12:01am - Swinesack nil  ""]
This band rocks hard. Hope tour is going well.
[Jul 23,2012 12:24am - Burnsy ""]
Amazing? Seriously? Change up yo vernacular muhfah.

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