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[Jun 18,2004 9:43am - litacore ""]
YET AGAIN I'm in search of this band's music, they're local from like 20 years ago. :pukeface:
[Jun 18,2004 9:52am - the asshole named jim  ""]
i have some on cd i think
[Jun 18,2004 9:56am - litacore ""]
I thought you might--anything you're looking for ? (I doubt it--you have pretty much everything already...)
[Jun 18,2004 10:02am - the asshole named jim  ""]
what you have ??

[Jun 18,2004 10:13am - litacore ""]
old live tapes of slayer from hell awaits tour, not much special

I traded tapes when I was in high skull but taped over most of the shit
[Jun 18,2004 10:18am - the asshole named jim  ""]
i'm sure you must have some demos i don't have that i'd like

i'm looking for the very first dread demo the one before abominate
[Jun 18,2004 10:21am - litacore ""]
'kay, I'm gonna dig thru the old tape cases and see what I salvaged

I can always burn the shit to CD through my computer, too, it's easy

I don't think I have Dread, alas
[Jun 18,2004 10:23am - the asshole named jim  ""]

make a little list i'd love to check out what you have
[Jun 18,2004 10:28am - litacore ""]
will do--
[Jun 24,2004 5:50pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
ask forth and tho shalt receive

i have your cd ready

1. 1987
2. 1988
3. 1989

12 tracks of old school bawston METAL at it's finest
[Jun 26,2004 2:41am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
I've got two FORMICIDE demo's if anybody wants copies...
[Jun 26,2004 12:18pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i could use the cover art for the cd
how much for em?

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