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Animals As Leaders assaulted by Boston PD

[Jun 1,2012 11:27am - Alx_Casket ""]

Javier Reyes here. I would like to personally apologize for canceling the Toronto show last night. I can explain. After the Boston show on May 26th, I was unlawfully arrested by the Boston Police Department. I had to return to Boston on May 30th for court. As much as we had looked forward to playing Toronto again, there was nothing I could do other than cancel the show and return to Boston to avoid having an arrest warrant filed against me.

I have included a complaint letter a friend/witness has written and sent to the Boston Police. It explains in more detail about the appalling and absurd encounter that occurred that evening. Again, to all our fans in Toronto, I am truly sorry for cancelling the show.



Upon leaving The Tam in Boston, Massachusetts, on Saturday, May 27th, 2012, around 1:30 am, DUSTIN BLANK1 was playing “air-guitar” to a song, which was playing in the bar, as we all ‹‹exited onto the sidewalk. There was another civilian (white male, unrelated to our party) to our right, off the sidewalk, whom police were talking to.

After walking past the civilian whom police were talking to, Officer BLANK forcefully shoved BLANK1, from behind, and informed him that he was interfering with a police investigation. Confused and startled, BLANK1 turned around and asked what Officer BLANK was talking about. Officer BLANK then grabbed BLANK1 by the throat and slammed him against a wall, then turned him around to handcuff and arrest him.

Meanwhile, JAVIER REYES pulled out his cell phone and informed the officers that he was recording the arrest. Immediately, Officer BLANK turned around from arresting BLANK1 and hit Reyes’s cell phone from his hands (both hands were holding the cell phone) onto the ground, breaking the cell phone. Next, Officer BLANK grabs Reyes and shoved him face first into a wall and handcuffs him. Neither BLANK1 nor Reyes, in any way, resisted arrest.
Friend, TOSIN ABASI, concerned about how quickly things had escalated, asked an officer what was going on and why BLANK1 and Reyes were being arrested. Officer BLANK then shoves Abasi into the side of the police cruiser and asks him if he is trying to assault an officer. Officer BLANK asks this question while both of Abasi’s hands are in his pockets. Abasi denied attempting to assault an officer, pointed out that his hands were in his pockets, and admitted that he was only asking a question.

Worried about my friends and feeling shocked about what I had just witnessed, I, JESSICA BLANK2, announced that I did not feel safe. An officer replied to me by saying “Then call the police.” Surprised by this disrespectful sarcasm, I responded, “You are the police.” Another response came, “Then call 911.” Again, I responded, “You are 911.” Officer BLANK chimed in saying that I had quite the mouth on me for a lady and to “get out of here.”

To avoid further mistreatment, we all (Jessica Harvey, Tosin Abasi, MICHAEL BLANK3, JESSIKA BLANK4, THOMAS BLANK5, and LAUREN BLANK6) moved to the corner of the block. Distressed from all of the chaos, abuse, and false accusations made by the Boston Police Department, BLANK6 dropped to the ground and had an epileptic seizure. A by-stander, who informed us he is certified in First Aid, offers to help. He placed both of his hands under her head, not restricting any movement, to cushion her head from the cement section of the sidewalk. Officer BLANK7 pushed the by-stander away and informed him that if he continued to help, he could be sued if BLANK6 got hurt. The by-stander understood and again stated that he was certified in First Aid and just wanted to help BLANK6. Cooley was very aggressive in his approach to this outside medical help.

Upset and frustrated, Abasi began speaking to BLANK7 about his concerns for BLANK6’s health and safety, which was in danger due to the actions we all witnessed, while using some swearing language. Officer BLANK7 continuously criticized Abasi from his choice of language instead of listening to Abasi’s concerns about his friends.

BLANK6 had a seizure because of this highly stressful situation. She was approached by EMS and had to continuously deny care before the paramedic would leave her alone.

Reyes had the right to videotape the public arrest of BLANK1 as we were in a public location, on the sidewalk, after exiting The Tam. Officer BLANK violated Reyes’s rights by forcing the videotaping to end by his physical actions. Reyes phone screen is completely shattered; Officer BLANK unlawfully destroyed Reyes’s property in order to stop the recording of BLANK1 arrest.

I feel incredibly disrespected by Officer BLANK (and his fellow officers) by the words he said to me and his actions toward my friends who I witnessed and believe were not interfering with the previous situation.

I was a witness of all accounts mentioned in this complaint and demand the Boston Police Department to review Officer BLANK’s performance, and demand that action be taken against him in order to make things lawfully right. I request that all officers at the scene, who were involved with the arrest and detainment of BLANK1 and Reyes, to be interrogated, but most specifically Officer BLANK. BLANK1 and Reyes were physically assaulted by Officer BLANK, who received no physical contact, resistance, or retaliation from either subject.

It is to my understanding that Reyes is being charged with assault and battery of a police officer while the only assault and battery present was done by Officer

BLANK and his partners in this unlawful arrest. Reyes made no physical contact with anyone present at the scene.
Please review my eye-witness report of this event. I am completely unsatisfied at how the Boston Police Department handled this situation. All officers were very unprofessional and disrespectful to my friends and me. Service and protection were not present in any way during our encounter with the Boston Police Department.

[Jun 1,2012 11:39am - trioxin_245 ""]
[Jun 1,2012 11:50am - nekronaut ""]
Maybe this wouldn't have happened if they weren't a bunch of Texas Toast Faggots.
[Jun 1,2012 11:52am - trioxin_245 ""]

nekronaut said:Maybe this wouldn't have happened if they weren't a bunch of Chocolate Chip Eggo Waffle Homosexuals.
[Jun 1,2012 11:54am - Alx_Casket ""]
That sounds delicious.
[Jun 1,2012 12:05pm - KEVORD ""]
Arrested for playing shitty tech air guitar.
[Jun 1,2012 1:10pm - dreadkill ""]

KEVORD said:Arrested for playing shitty tech air guitar.
not a fan either, but cops who do this shit need to be demoted and put on toilet cleaning duty.
[Jun 1,2012 1:24pm - Pires ""]
I thought mass. passed a law saying you couldn't tape an officer anymore?
[Jun 1,2012 1:25pm - chernobyl ""]
Mass cops being dicks? UNHEARD OF.
[Jun 1,2012 3:50pm - largefreakatzero ""]
BPD hates stupid meedly-meedly riffs. TRUE FACT.
[Jun 1,2012 3:59pm - xgodzillax ""]
the comments are hilarious. if they were outside the tam at 1:30am being dumb, they deserved to get bitch slapped. /end
[Jun 1,2012 4:09pm - returntothepiss  ""]
typical commentary is typical.
[Jun 1,2012 4:15pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I hate cops, but I also don't care about anyone other than myself, so this was funny to me, since it happened to someone else.
[Jun 1,2012 4:18pm - Alx_Casket ""]

[Jun 1,2012 4:21pm - arktouros ""]
mistake #1: talking to a belligerent cop
[Jun 1,2012 4:58pm - Lamp ""]
boring story
[Jun 1,2012 5:22pm - Hoser ""]
Ha...swearing like hell will just get you arrested for Disorderly Conduct in any public place. Playing air guitar behind a Cop when he is dealing with someone else can get you arrested for Obstruction of Government Administration.....sounds to me like this isn't the real story as it happened at all. What Cop would want 4 hours of paperwork just to "falsly" arrests someone? This chick sounds like she and her friends were being douchebags. It's like, just my opinion...man.
[Jun 1,2012 5:29pm - RustyPS ""]

Hoser said:Ha...swearing like hell will just get you arrested for Disorderly Conduct in any public place. Playing air guitar behind a Cop when he is dealing with someone else can get you arrested for Obstruction of Government Administration.....sounds to me like this isn't the real story as it happened at all. What Cop would want 4 hours of paperwork just to "falsly" arrests someone? This chick sounds like she and her friends were being douchebags. It's like, just my opinion...man.

Holy shit! I actually agree with Hoser on something.....wow
[Jun 1,2012 5:34pm - xgodzillax ""]
It was outside the tam at 1:30 in the morning. Do you know the level of douche that frequents that area? An ass whooping was deserved! Anything less is raviolis
[Jun 1,2012 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 1,2012 10:09pm - xgodzillax ""]

the_reverend said:chinatown

Occupy Boston about it, and complain about major corporations on twitter using your iPad
[Jun 1,2012 11:28pm - yummy ""]
It sounds like the popo definitely fucked up, but things happened differently than this story given. There are cameras in the police cars so there will possibly be evidence of some misconduct.
[Jun 2,2012 12:20am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
/RTTP/ACAJDTJ (All Cops Are Just Doing Their Jobs)

[Jun 2,2012 12:33am - Lamp nli  ""]
If a band is going to write a longwinded announcement on why they canceled a show, then it should at the very least provoke more in me than a yawn.
[Jun 2,2012 8:13am - Hoser ""]

yummy said:It sounds like the popo definitely fucked up, but things happened differently than this story given. There are cameras in the police cars so there will possibly be evidence of some misconduct.

I assure you that it didn't happen like this dummy said it did. If they really feel that there was injustice, then they should make an official complaint to the AG's office and let them decide; that's their job. As far as recording a Police Officer in the line of duty with your cell phone...well, that's illegal in many states as it violates the Wire Tapping Statute, due to the fact that a cell phone is a device that can transmit information. It's no more legal than bugging someones phone without their permission, or the go ahead from the AG (Attorney General). So keep that in mind the next time that you try to record a Police Officer without his permission on your cell phone. Don't be surprised if you get arrested and charged with a felony...and your phone is confiscated as evidence.

This girl should go about doing things the right way and not spewing her childish defiance around the web.
[Jun 2,2012 9:10am - SkinSandwich ""]
"Chaos and abuse" AHAHAHAHAHA. Typical slut drama cunt. Sounds like these dicks and fags were being dicks and fags.


[Jun 2,2012 9:17am - farten_dust ""]
[Jun 2,2012 9:36am - Hoser ""]
Yeah, Cops just love paperwork. They love to make "false" arrests so that they can complete a report that takes 4 hours to do, and then they get to be a part of an 8-month misconduct investigation by the AG's Office. I'm sure that these guys would jeopardize their 20-year retirement and their families income and healthcare just to prove a point to a couple of douchebags that happened to be "not doing anything wrong". I call bullshit on this chick. She's just another defiant child....and the goober that feigned an epileptic seizure while they were being arrested?....Oh, that's never been seen before. Post-arrest "sudden illnesses"....hahahaha. Just take 'em to the hospital and book them there. That way, once they're released from the hospital, you can transport them to the jail.
[Jun 2,2012 9:37am - Hoser ""]
Roadside lawyers are the best.
[Jun 2,2012 9:55am - farten_dust ""]
ive seen cops jeopardize alot more than there retirement, and potential paperwork being fuckheads. when i was younger a rumney cop was fucking this dudes wife. so he planted evidence so the husband would go to prison. People are people. there are alot of good cops out there, but there is no doubt in my mind there are cops who deserve to be in jail more than some of the people they are putting away. so i dont think its much of a stretch to think this happened.:shocker:
[Jun 2,2012 10:53am - the_reverend ""]

xgodzillax said:
the_reverend said:chinatown

Occupy Boston about it, and complain about major corporations on twitter using your iPad

[Jun 2,2012 3:58pm - yummy ""]

Hoser said:
yummy said:It sounds like the popo definitely fucked up, but things happened differently than this story given. There are cameras in the police cars so there will possibly be evidence of some misconduct.

I assure you that it didn't happen like this dummy said it did. If they really feel that there was injustice, then they should make an official complaint to the AG's office and let them decide; that's their job. As far as recording a Police Officer in the line of duty with your cell phone...well, that's illegal in many states as it violates the Wire Tapping Statute, due to the fact that a cell phone is a device that can transmit information. It's no more legal than bugging someones phone without their permission, or the go ahead from the AG (Attorney General). So keep that in mind the next time that you try to record a Police Officer without his permission on your cell phone. Don't be surprised if you get arrested and charged with a felony...and your phone is confiscated as evidence.

This girl should go about doing things the right way and not spewing her childish defiance around the web.

I dont know about that Hoser. If it's our word against theirs. We as citizens are able to protect ourselves with surveillance as they are. If I remember correctly, officers started having cameras installed in cruisers to prove what did/did not happen after allegations of misconduct.
[Jun 2,2012 4:07pm - xgodzillax ""]
this band still sucks and deserved getting beat up. /end
[Jun 2,2012 8:20pm - Hoser ""]

yummy said:
Hoser said:
yummy said:It sounds like the popo definitely fucked up, but things happened differently than this story given. There are cameras in the police cars so there will possibly be evidence of some misconduct.

I assure you that it didn't happen like this dummy said it did. If they really feel that there was injustice, then they should make an official complaint to the AG's office and let them decide; that's their job. As far as recording a Police Officer in the line of duty with your cell phone...well, that's illegal in many states as it violates the Wire Tapping Statute, due to the fact that a cell phone is a device that can transmit information. It's no more legal than bugging someones phone without their permission, or the go ahead from the AG (Attorney General). So keep that in mind the next time that you try to record a Police Officer without his permission on your cell phone. Don't be surprised if you get arrested and charged with a felony...and your phone is confiscated as evidence.

This girl should go about doing things the right way and not spewing her childish defiance around the web.

I dont know about that Hoser. If it's our word against theirs. We as citizens are able to protect ourselves with surveillance as they are. If I remember correctly, officers started having cameras installed in cruisers to prove what did/did not happen after allegations of misconduct.

In NH it falls under wire tapping....not sure about Mass. or Maine. It's ok to use a camcorder, as it cannot directly transmit information....but a cell phone can and WILL get you into trouble in NH.
[Jun 2,2012 8:21pm - Hoser ""]
Unless of course the Officer is ok with you recording them ;)....
[Jun 2,2012 8:25pm - yummy ""]
I'm in RI. Interesting up in NH. I've recorded cops just to be a dick. Amazing how they clean up their act when they notice.
[Jun 3,2012 8:21am - largefreakatzero ""]

xgodzillax said:this band still sucks and deserved getting beat up. /end

This is pretty much what I got out of this story.
[Jun 3,2012 8:45am - Hoser ""]
Honestly, most of them don't really care. But you may run into one that does.
[Jun 3,2012 10:40am - yummy ""]

farten_dust said:ive seen cops jeopardize alot more than there retirement, and potential paperwork being fuckheads. when i was younger a rumney cop was fucking this dudes wife. so he planted evidence so the husband would go to prison. People are people. there are alot of good cops out there, but there is no doubt in my mind there are cops who deserve to be in jail more than some of the people they are putting away. so i dont think its much of a stretch to think this happened.:shocker:

I back this statement. Let's face it. A good majority of police officers are former football players that failed to go pro or they served in the military. Maybe having a police force with PTSD and an itchy trigger fingers is how to protect and serve.
[Jun 3,2012 11:03am - arktouros ""]
In Mass you can record anything as long as you aren't attemping to conceal the camera or hide the fact that you're recording. Cops can't take your cell phone unless they try and cite another reason to do so. That's why you'll see the "You Are Under Surveillance" sign wherever there's a camera. A posted security camera is no different than a bystander holding up a cell phone and anything filmed in public is not grounds for obstruction of justice. the moar you knowwwe

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