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Animals as Leaders assaulted by Boston metalheads

[Jun 2,2012 10:26am - Hugo Dong  ""]
Following their most recent Boston gig annoyingly regurgatory tech death core shit band Animals as Leaders was met outside the venue by an angry mob of Boston headbangers. Bent on ending the careers of the tasteless albeit technically proficient band, the mob unleashed a barrage of empty Evan Williams bottles and pots of steaming baked beans.
[Jun 2,2012 12:25pm - Eli_HHCB ""]
Evan williams ftw
[Jun 2,2012 4:31pm - trioxin245 ""]
lol @ boston metalheads being violent in any way. Any time I even raise my voice at someone everyone goes on about how people ruin shows by fighting and bla bla. Bunch of liberal MA pacifists the lot.

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