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[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Jun 4,2012 2:21pm - Chriskar nli  ""]


Pitchfork's Show No Mercy and Wierd Present:

Indian Jewelry
Vattnet Viskar
Pinkish Black
DJ Pieter Wierd

June 15 @ Saint Vitus
1120 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
8pm, 21+, $12
[Jun 4,2012 3:44pm - arktouros ""]
shit troll. tired joke and surprisingly coherent show posting.
[Jun 4,2012 3:47pm - xmikex ""]
lol @ the picture and "indian jewelry"
[Jun 4,2012 3:55pm - lol lol  ""]
Anyone that thinks Vattnet Viskar is a black metal band when they play shows like this are retarded.
[Jun 4,2012 3:59pm - trioxin_245 ""]

arktouros said:shit troll. tired joke and surprisingly coherent show posting.

yea really, the vattnet joke stopped being *funny like 3 months ago. and this is coming from a guy who still makes 'your mom' jokes constantly.
[Jun 4,2012 4:09pm - troll detector  ""]
It seems like there are multiple Chriskar trolls (aka jealous musicians) operating on the ReturnToThePit boards. Get a life guys.
[Jun 4,2012 4:13pm - lol lol  ""]
Theres no reason to be jealous with hipster music. Is rather play actual metal.
[Jun 4,2012 4:18pm - chernobyl ""]

trioxin_245 said:
arktouros said:shit troll. tired joke and surprisingly coherent show posting.

yea really, the vattnet joke stopped being *funny like 3 months ago. and this is coming from a guy who still makes 'your mom' jokes constantly.

Court adjourned.
[Jun 4,2012 4:44pm - trioxin_245 ""]

chernobyl said:
trioxin_245 said:
arktouros said:shit troll. tired joke and surprisingly coherent show posting.

yea really, the vattnet joke stopped being *funny like 3 months ago. and this is coming from a guy who still makes 'your mom' jokes constantly.

Court adjourned.

kid your moms adjourned
[Jun 11,2012 12:54pm - Happy Hipster  ""]

[Jun 11,2012 7:43pm - Strat0varius  ""]
Are Deafheaven even any good? I know they opened for Alcest on tour a few months back, but I missed that show.
[Jun 11,2012 7:47pm - Burnsy ""]
They're okay if ya like shoegaze, blast beats and huge amounts of reverb. I got bored with em pretty quickly but they're not BAD.
[Jun 11,2012 8:07pm - DikeSmurns  ""]

Burnsy said:They're okay if ya like tight pants, emo glasses and huge amounts of faggotry. I got bored with em pretty quickly but they're a FAD.
[Jun 11,2012 8:16pm - Burnsy ""]
A fashion critic? Sounds pretty faggoty.
[Jun 11,2012 8:25pm - iwrestledavneckonce  ""]
[Jun 12,2012 12:27am - goatcatalyst ""]
Total fashionable buttdart horseshit
[Jun 12,2012 12:41am - Vnick  ""]
Dammit, how did OP know I was going to wear that dress for the show?

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