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Flying blows

[Jun 5,2012 3:14pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Had to go to Missouri to look at a catalog that I sourced out there. Flights out all fucked up, flights back all fucked up. Now I remember why I drive everywhere.
[Jun 5,2012 3:29pm - RustyPS ""]
I read the thread title and thought this was going to be about people giving BJs in midair

I am disappoint
[Jun 5,2012 3:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jun 5,2012 3:32pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I read it as 'flying bows' and thought it was gonna be a wrestling thread. I AM DISAPPOINT.
[Jun 5,2012 3:44pm - largefreakatzero ""]
You can all eat a pile of poo.
[Jun 5,2012 3:46pm - RustyPS ""]
This thread should actually be about things like this

[Jun 5,2012 3:49pm - DukeManjunk ""]
only laying on the floor of a c-17 next to a hellfire missle without a shipping container from iraq to kentucky is real.
[Jun 5,2012 5:19pm - Lamp ""]
The "going to Missouri" part sounds way, way worse than the "flying" part.
[Jun 5,2012 8:02pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Nah, everything went fine there and I have friends out there. Though I could never live in the midwest, I don't mind visiting it once in awhile.
[Jun 5,2012 8:46pm - Lamp ""]
I kind of would like to visit St. Louis but any time I've driven down I-44 it's been boring as shit.

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