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phat as fuck Nightbitch "Chainmaker" review

[Jun 7,2012 6:08pm - goatcatalyst ""]
messa fukkin:





Are you ready for some sleazy traditional metal? Well fuck nut you can put down the bondage porn and stop Jimmy tapping yourself with a ball peen hammer because Connecticut’s own sleaze merchants, NIGHTBITCH are back with a new EP. Coming off the heels of 2010′s SEX AND MAGIC (featuring vocals by HOUR OF 13′s Phil Swanson), CHAINMAKER comes crashing out of the gate with infectious riffs and catchy vocal melodies. It reminds me of that time I got gonorrhea, just without the burning. If you have an STD and love classic heavy metal then I think it would be in your best interest to listen to the new NIGHTBITCH EP, CHAINMAKER while you drive to the clinic to get some relief for your perverse tendencies.

The very first thing that took me by surprise is the vocals. Phil Dawson is not on CHAINMAKER, instead Chris Taylor handles both drums and vocals. His performance is flawless to say the least. Chris sounds so much like Glenn Danzig that it’s a bit scary. Seriously, listen to the verses and pre chorus in “Disrober,” which is vintage DANZIG if I’ve ever heard it. As far as the album’s overall sound, NIGHTBITCH reminds me of SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE-era JUDAS PRIEST‘s more melodic moments (think “Bloodstone”) in a head on collision with the first DANZIG album.

The thing that sucks about CHAINMAKER is that it is mercifully short. 3 songs is not enough and I want more! Moving on, the title track “Chainmaker” is a balls out aggressive metal song with a catchy solo and riff trade-off delivered by Ryan Adams (of IPSISSIMUS fame). The solo in “Chainmaker” is tastefully done, with no over the top flashy bullshit. Just a bluesy-sounding lead that would find a nice home on DANZIG‘s HOW THE GODS KILL‘s more up-tempo numbers (I’m thinking songs like “Left Hand Black” and “Do You Wear the Mark?“)

My favorite song on CHAINMAKER is the second song, “Disrober.” I love the heavy, doom-styled beginning and the chorus is catchy as fuck. I just wish there was a guitar solo in there to really push the song over the top. The final track is a cover of the DEEP PURPLE favorite, “Into The Fire.” The band does this song very well, and Chris puts his own spin on Ian Gillian’s trademark vocals. He doesn’t sound exactly like Ian but pulls it off well enough that those screams coming out of the chorus sound like the band lit Chris on fire while doing his vocal tracks.

If you like fetish porn and traditional metal with a pinch of hard rock finesse then fell free to download CHAINMAKER and hunt down the hard copy of 2010′s SEX AND MAGIC. As for me, I’m going to replay this for 200,479th time. I can’t get enough of this band and yes, it STILL burns when I piss. Maybe NIGHTBITCH is exactly like gonorrhea after all…

Nightbitch @ BandCamp (1 FREE MP3)


[Jun 9,2012 4:33pm - Ghoulash ""]
this review is right on IMO
[Jun 10,2012 10:25pm - duff138  ""]
I've listened to chainmaker at least 3 times a day since I downloaded. I thought I'd miss Phil's singing, but this song is so good.
[Jun 10,2012 10:30pm - duff138  ""]
How much is the 7"?
[Jun 11,2012 12:13am - I piss U miss  ""]
1. nightbitch sucks/and is overrated
2. as original as ghost
3. desperately wants to be a hipster band
4. faggot bitch should stick to one genre of music
5. I wanna piss in his mouth!

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