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DAWNBRINGER - Into the lair of the sun god

[Jun 15,2012 1:53pm - Ghoulash ""]
Check it, this band is still the jam, dawg.


[Jun 15,2012 1:57pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I still like eveningdeliverer better.

This is not bad. Not into the vocals.
[Jun 15,2012 1:59pm - Lvl 36 Wizard  ""]
[Jun 15,2012 2:04pm - Ghoulash ""]
eveningdeliverer is the MC's pizza guy 'round these parts.
[Nov 19,2012 11:46pm - BSV  ""]
instant album of the year pick for me. some killer moments on this album!
[Nov 19,2012 11:54pm - Mark_R ""]
It's great and I really liked the interview with Chris Black that Inv Oranges had last week.
[Nov 19,2012 11:56pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
Yep. Album of the year and yep, that invisible oranges interview ruled.
[Nov 20,2012 9:51am - chrisREX ""]
For the past 4 months I have had three CDs in my car in rotation; Show No Mercy, Melissa, and this epic piece of badassery.
[Nov 20,2012 11:10am - Ghoulash ""]
its the best

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