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So Gallows (Mythology) and I (Nåthruzym) started a side project.

[Jul 6,2012 5:07pm - mutis  ""]

We still need a bass player and the demo track sounds like balls, but I'm shitfuck stoked.

[Jul 6,2012 5:11pm - trioxin245 ""]
plant-based = automatic no-care
[Jul 6,2012 5:31pm - dooshaferion  ""]
this is gonna suck.
[Jul 6,2012 5:32pm - Crap Pyramid  ""]
You wanna shit fuck you got it we will be down to kick your motherfucking pink sock in ass this reunion is 100 per cent goddamn going

Smoke a bowl of K out of my crotch hole you pansy hipster fags we will kick your ass with delusional rabbit puncher singer and a new album so get your ass to the reunion shows coming now
[Jul 6,2012 5:34pm - Mutis ""]
Hahaha I rejoined RTTP at the wrong fucking time.
[Jul 6,2012 5:37pm - Crap Pyramid  ""]
Damn right you did because this reunion is going to kick your sad sack of shit hipster ass for rejoining goddamn
[Jul 6,2012 5:37pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Just liked it for later listening, in before botanist remarks.
[Jul 6,2012 5:41pm - Mutis ""]
Alx, at this point I'm so used to drunks heckling me about moose that it doesn't even faze me.
[Jul 6,2012 5:52pm - Crap Pyramid  ""]
We'll put a moose up your ass shitlips and make you smoke hemp out of your eyesocket with hippy liberal yoga
[Jul 6,2012 7:05pm - the_reverend ""]
Brown metal! Harvest inspired agricultural metal is real.
[Jul 6,2012 7:17pm - arktouros ""]
you upstate guys are consummate pros.
[Jul 6,2012 7:37pm - Burnsy ""]
The track is pretty good. Really don't like the band name at all.
[Jul 6,2012 8:01pm - mutis ""]
Google it.
[Jul 6,2012 8:08pm - arktouros ""]
listened while eating wegman's arugula. cheers!
[Jul 6,2012 8:10pm - mutis ""]
Do a Seitanic Ritual about it.
[Jul 6,2012 8:20pm - Burnsy ""]
I did.
[Jul 6,2012 8:21pm - amorok 666 nli  ""]
haha i fukin love black metal
[Jul 7,2012 2:42am - motley grue  ""]
Meh guitar work/sound....not enough low in the guitar sound, drowns out what the guitars are doing, need a better band name.
[Jul 7,2012 12:24pm - mutis ""]

motley%20grue said:Meh guitar work/sound....not enough low in the guitar sound, drowns out what the guitars are doing

Never thought someone would say that about black metal.
[Jul 7,2012 8:24pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

mutis said:Google it.

"vegan black metal?"
[Jul 7,2012 9:52pm - mutis ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:
mutis said:Google it.

"vegan black metal?"

No, "cruciferion". Then you'll see why everyone hates our band name, haha.

Also, as far as I know, there are not any vegan black metal bands. Ildjarn is vegan and so is Austin of Panopticon, but those are one-man bands and as far as I know, they have no songs that relate to veganism. Atilla and Ghaal are vegetarian, but that's like having training wheels.
[Jul 7,2012 9:55pm - necconaut  ""]
Vegetable black metal
[Jul 7,2012 9:57pm - mutis ""]

necconaut said:Vegetable black metal

Pizza thrash?
[Jul 7,2012 10:01pm - Burnsy ""]
La dee fucking dah. Just play music.
[Jul 7,2012 10:05pm - mutis ""]
Everyone needs something to be pissed off and depressed about. Otherwise you can't have good black metal.
[Jul 7,2012 10:08pm - mutis ""]
The three best and most popular Nåthruzym songs were the only ones I wrote with pure and bitter hate or gloom.
[Jul 7,2012 10:17pm - lucidcursenli  ""]
Play to 4 fans at 242 main about it
[Jul 9,2012 12:24pm - W3 nli  ""]

mutis said:
necconaut said:Vegetable black metal

Pizza thrash?

Toast 'n Tea Grind.
[Jul 9,2012 3:44pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

W3%20nli said:
mutis said:
necconaut said:Vegetable black metal

Pizza thrash?

Toast 'n Tea Grind.

Its actually tea n toast, but hey you enjoy your humor internet.
[Jul 9,2012 4:53pm - narkybark ""]


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