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Your band's fuckin logo

[Jul 13,2012 11:50pm - The Flier Maker Guy  ""]
ATTENTION IDIOT BANDS: Upload your band's shitty logo(s) in high resolution and post it in an album on facebook called LOGOS or something easy for the guy making the flier to find. If it's buried in some random folder I will not find it and I will punish you with Helvetica at 18 points max and you'll look totally gay.

Those who have easily found but low res jaggy logos will be punished by having their logo flipped upside down "by accident" then i'll write the band's name underneath misspelled also "by accident" and in Helvetica.

If you're booking shows and trying to decide which bands to book, look at their logos on facebook. The bands that don't have an easily accessible high res logo also tend to be a band that doesn't promote, draw ZERO people, leave immediately after their set, and are almost always booooooring. It's not a coincidence.

End rant
[Jul 14,2012 1:08am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Jul 14,2012 1:51am - Lamp nli  ""]
Hand drawn flyers or gtfo.
[Jul 14,2012 2:44am - Samantha ""]

The%20Flier%20Maker%20Guy said:ATTENTION IDIOT BANDS: Upload your band's shitty logo(s) in high resolution and post it in an album on facebook called LOGOS or something easy for the guy making the flier to find. If it's buried in some random folder I will not find it and I will punish you with Helvetica at 18 points max and you'll look totally gay.

Those who have easily found but low res jaggy logos will be punished by having their logo flipped upside down "by accident" then i'll write the band's name underneath misspelled also "by accident" and in Helvetica.

If you're booking shows and trying to decide which bands to book, look at their logos on facebook. The bands that don't have an easily accessible high res logo also tend to be a band that doesn't promote, draw ZERO people, leave immediately after their set, and are almost always booooooring. It's not a coincidence.

End rant

ITT: Troll identified, and this is relevant to my interests.

Seriously, though. I've wanted to rant about this for a long time. I commend this troll for doing so. Just an FYI: If it takes longer than 5 or 10 minutes to find a DECENT, USEABLE image of your band logo, the person making the flyer for the show already hates you.

Also, troll neglected to acknowledge the importance of having a band logo that is SIMPLE, BLACK & WHITE... not all photoshopped or with a crazy background.
[Jul 14,2012 3:05am - serpentor  ""]
tit talker must stop with her useless posts, or show tits or GTFO, her crime is neglecting the importantce of titties
[Jul 14,2012 8:34am - josh_hates_you ""]
I agree with the first half of flyer maker guy's post. The second half is just stupid.
[Jul 14,2012 2:22pm - Samantha ""]
True. I can think of several bands that may not have high res logos or anything but can draw a lot of people and put on a great show.

Also, I think I should get a restraining order against that Serpentor troll... that is, if i don't have one already... just saying.
[Jul 14,2012 3:04pm - BrianDBB ""]
Couldn't agree MORE with OP! I've probably made over 60 flyers and mostly every flyer has a band whose logo doesn't exist or I had to locate it on their Geocities sub sub directory
[Jul 14,2012 3:31pm - Samantha ""]
Metal archives can be quite useful for finding logos.
[Jul 14,2012 5:32pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha, I used to fucking HATE dealing with low resolution logos or no logos at all, so I just draw out everything by hand now. Fuck logos.
[Jul 15,2012 1:33am - butthurt broad  ""]

Samantha said:True. I can think of several bands that may not have high res logos or anything but can draw a lot of people and put on a great show.

Also, I think I should get a restraining order against that Serpentor troll... that is, if i don't have one already... just saying.

Needs to quit posting here when she is on the rag
[Jul 15,2012 1:09pm - Samantha ""]
Butthurt troll is butthurt.

Trolls are far more butthurt these days and also lacking in humor.
[Jul 15,2012 11:28pm - Wolfy  ""]
Two points,

1) Although we had both taken a vow of abstinence, JYYODY and I managed to arrange an hour alone one Friday night. Her borderline autistic body made the sound of an avalanche solidifying from snow into ice around my still, shivering form - creeeaaak, creeeeaaaaaaak. By pure will I placed my erect sex gland against her curiously plastic thigh. She started to whistle with her vocal cords.

2) During high tide, the surface of the ocean can have up to a degree of slope; this potential energy gradient is sufficient to exert a traction strong enough to transport sand away from the shore. At first the sand simply traverses the shallow water shelf - then one day it slips over the edge into the abyss. A mind can be like sand, pushed by an imperceptible gradient over an unforseen edge.

[Jul 16,2012 5:05am - Arillius Bowel Movement  ""]

Best logo ever.
[Jul 16,2012 2:17pm - Tony Lazaro  ""]

serpentor said:tit talker must stop with her useless posts, or show tits or GTFO, her crime is neglecting the importantce of titties

[Jul 16,2012 2:36pm - serpentor  ""]

Tony%20Lazaro said:
serpentor said:tit talker must stop with her useless posts, or show tits or GTFO, her crime is neglecting the importantce of titties


^This I do not command!
[Jan 28,2013 11:54pm - Samantha ""]
I'm bumping this thread because I've made about 4 different flyers this week, and it needs to happen. OP is my hero.

Not to single anyone out or anything, but here are some useful tips. Please view my bitchy commentary with the hilariousness that was intended rather than getting all butthurt about it.

1. Make your logo EASY TO FIND. No one wants to scour through your 500 Facebook timeline photos just to find your logo. Put it in a folder. Give that folder a logical name. It takes less than a minute of your time, but promoters will thank you for being so well-organized.

2. If you have a NEW logo, make it EASY TO FIND. If you don't want people to use your old logo, stop making it easier to find than the new logo. Or better yet, change the caption of the image to something like "OLD LOGO" so people know that you don't want them to use it anymore.

3. Have at least one image of your logo that is SIMPLE. BLACK AND WHITE is perfect... NO BUSY BACKGROUNDS!!... NO EXTRANEOUS PHOTOSHOPPED OUTER GLOW EFFECTS!! I can use the "magic wand' tool in Photoshop and cut out your logo in 2 seconds. Of, if the background is busy and/or your logo has been edited like crazy, and I have to spend 15 minutes tracing it with the magnetic lasso, Hulkamania is gonna run wild!!!

4. Make sure the image is big enough. If it isn't, your logo will look grainy, low quality, and terrible. This is especially noticeable when your logo is next to a high res fancy one. It makes it look like a pile of feces. You don't want that.

5. When creating your logo, consider the fact that people are actually going to use this logo on a flyer. If it's really tall or has a weird shape, it's going to affect the entire layout of the flyer, and it's going to stand out as "that obnoxious logo".

/end rant

Thanks for reading, and please don't make Hulkamania run wild.

[Jan 29,2013 1:14am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Who did that awesome logo that's a photo of a handful of twigs? Genius.

Seriously, bands that don't make a clear logo easily accessible deserve to have their band name in bold comic sans.
[Jan 29,2013 6:24am - veqlargh ""]
What a whiney thread. As if fliers serve any purpose in the internet age anyway.
[Jan 29,2013 8:25am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I can't speak for all flyer-makers, but I've made a considerable amount of money making flyers and prints of flyers. But, they are all hand-drawn so they probably stand out more than the typical Photoshop flyer. Beyond that, I like seeing a flyer for a show because the image will stick in my brain a lot faster than words on a screen, but that's just me. Lastly, a lot of venues use flyers to promote shows. A flyer will probably get people in the door much more quickly than just word of mouth or show info on a chalkboard.
[Jan 29,2013 10:18am - Ghoulash ""]
fliers are absolutly important.
[Jan 29,2013 10:20am - arilliusbm ""]
Op was Ross.
[Jan 29,2013 10:41am - veqlargh ""]
I like fliers and I am not saying that people should not make them, particularly if they are hand-drawn, but to sit here and say that they are important in this day and age is ridiculous. People no longer go to shows based on fliers, they hear about things on event pages from facebook, message boards, word of mouth. When was the last time you went to a show that you wouldn't have known about if you had not seen a flier hanging above a urinal in a bar? Not since the internet became big. As far as the logo thing, if you can't find a good high resolution version, use a font, and if the band complains, who gives a shit because it is their own fault.
[Jan 29,2013 10:44am - barren ark  ""]
totally disagree. i don't have a facebook and what mark said.
[Jan 29,2013 10:45am - Yeti ""]
many bands still use fliers on walls or bars, and internet fliers are seen by infinitely more people. fliers are as relevant as ever.
[Jan 29,2013 10:57am - Samantha ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I can't speak for all flyer-makers, but I've made a considerable amount of money making flyers and prints of flyers. But, they are all hand-drawn so they probably stand out more than the typical Photoshop flyer. Beyond that, I like seeing a flyer for a show because the image will stick in my brain a lot faster than words on a screen, but that's just me. Lastly, a lot of venues use flyers to promote shows. A flyer will probably get people in the door much more quickly than just word of mouth or show info on a chalkboard.

Flyers are definitely still relevant. People are more likely to remember that the show is happening when they've seen something more visually appealing than just a pile of text.

Mark, your hand drawn flyers look great! I use Photoshop because I can't draw to save my life.

veqlargh said:As far as the logo thing, if you can't find a good high resolution version, use a font, and if the band complains, who gives a shit because it is their own fault.

You do have a good point there; however, it's sometimes worth sending a quick message and seeing if they have a better file available. Not all bands are so clued into the concept of promotion or what exactly goes into putting things together. Their job is to get up on stage and perform. Outside of that, not everyone possesses the same skills. Sometimes, you just have to communicate with people, and they will get the hang of it eventually.
[Jan 29,2013 11:06am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I've been told by several people that they've attended shows they wouldn't have gone to if they hadn't seen my flyers in hopes that they could buy a print of it or that the bands would be quality because they enjoyed the flyer. Same goes for a few other artist friends/acquanitances. It may not apply to the majority of people, but I'd say flyers are just as important as a band's logo, album cover, t shirt design, etc. These days I'm more inclined to pay attention to shows that are given promotion face to face than just on Facebook due to the great number of shows happening at any given time, not to mention the oversaturation of shitty event invites that I'll never even consider responding to.
[Jan 29,2013 11:15am - veqlargh ""]
I was just saying that back in the day when there wasn't internet to hear EVERY band ahead of time, you would choose what show to go to based on fliers if you didn't already know the bands. While I'm sure there are one or two people in the area who don't have the internet, the vast majority of people will choose shows to attend based on what the bands sound like since they can just google them ahead of time, not what the flier looks like.

For the record, I prefer the old way.
[Jan 29,2013 11:22am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm definitely not doubting that the internet plays a large, important role in shows, just throwing my 2 cents in based on my experiences.
[Jan 29,2013 11:26am - veqlargh ""]
Yea I mean, if you're hand-drawing fliers, then I 100% support that. Original fliers will always be relevant, I'm more just referring to the fliers that are basically just the band logos photoshopped onto some google image, with text over it stating the details of the show. That is really no different than just typing out the details, and serves very little purpose.

Noone is going to be like, "gee I was not going to go to this show because I don't care for the bands, but since one or two of the logos look kind of cool superimposed over that picture of a nun licking a cross that someone pulled off of deviantart.com, I have reconsidered."
[Jan 29,2013 11:30am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha, I see where you're coming from. It isn't important to everyone, but I know back in the days when I made all my flyers digitally, I'd go into a hissy fit if I just spent 3 hours getting everything perfect, only to be jeopardized by some band with a low quality jpeg for their logo.
[Jan 29,2013 11:50am - DYA is PINGER FICKIN‘  ""]
So, basically, everybody is dumb, LOL'd at this,

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:Who did that awesome logo that's a photo of a handful of twigs? Genius.

Seriously, bands that don't make a clear logo easily accessible deserve to have their band name in bold comic sans.

and Wolfy posted. Overall, B+
[Jan 29,2013 1:37pm - Samantha ""]

veqlargh said:Yea I mean, if you're hand-drawing fliers, then I 100% support that. Original fliers will always be relevant, I'm more just referring to the fliers that are basically just the band logos photoshopped onto some google image, with text over it stating the details of the show. That is really no different than just typing out the details, and serves very little purpose.

Noone is going to be like, "gee I was not going to go to this show because I don't care for the bands, but since one or two of the logos look kind of cool superimposed over that picture of a nun licking a cross that someone pulled off of deviantart.com, I have reconsidered."

Have you ever made a flyer like that? It's a hell of a lot different from just typing out the details, especially if you actually care about doing a good job. Sure, anyone can churn out some piece of crap digital flyer, or you can actually try to make it look professional... which takes time and effort and does serve a purpose.

Example: I have no idea who made this flyer, but I googled "crappy flyer", and this was one of the first things that came up.


There is a big difference between the above flyer and something like this (which I made last year, so feel free to crap on me all you want. I don't care.):

[Jan 29,2013 1:59pm - Dude Hangs Dong  ""]
whatever Samantha has to say I support, as she is fucking HAWT!!!
[Jan 29,2013 2:10pm - AndrewBastard ""]
i almost like that flyer with the scissors better
[Jan 29,2013 2:12pm - DYA is PINGER FICKIN‘  ""]
[Jan 29,2013 2:12pm - DYA is PINGER FICKIN‘  ""]
in response to
Dude%20Hangs%20Dong said:whatever Samantha has to say I support, as she is fucking HAWT!!!
[Jan 29,2013 2:17pm - Dude Hangs Dong  ""]

DYA%20is%20PINGER%20FICKIN‘ said:in response to
Dude%20Hangs%20Dong said:whatever Samantha has to say I support, as she is fucking HAWT!!!

lol, you got me
[Jan 29,2013 2:20pm - DYA is PINGER FICKIN‘  ""]
Sick screenname, though, full support.
[Jan 29,2013 2:29pm - GravveSideService  ""]
Hobbyrockers. Do you know how many lawns I had to mow to hire the guy who made Emperor's logo?
[Jan 29,2013 3:16pm - Samantha ""]
And people wonder why girls never post here.
[Jan 29,2013 3:22pm - Dude Hangs Dong  ""]

Samantha said:And people wonder why girls never post here.

Make a flyer about it, and do a restraining order about it.
[Jan 29,2013 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
holy shit Ashes of the Lost hahahaha
[Jan 29,2013 3:25pm - Samantha ""]
Making a joke about some psycho person stalking me and breaking into my house over a year ago... classy troll is classy.
[Jan 29,2013 3:37pm - Dude Hangs Dong  ""]

Samantha said:And people wonder why I still post here.

[Jan 29,2013 4:13pm - Samantha ""]
Aside from show announcements, I've only posted here a handful of times within the past year. Idiots like this are the reason why.
[Jan 29,2013 4:40pm - Dude Hangs Dong  ""]
yet you keep coming back, personally I dont have anything against you, but you can't seem to take a joke, and so quick to judge.
[Jan 29,2013 5:21pm - Samantha ""]
Your jokes aren't funny. Try harder next time.

If you think I can't take a joke, you obviously haven't seen my profile pic here.
[Jan 29,2013 5:33pm - Dude Hangs Dong  ""]
yeah, I DO need to work on my jokes...heh, but you probably still wont think they are funny. I just saw the profile pic and it made me laugh. Oh well, back to the drawing boards
[Jan 31,2013 11:36pm - ernie ""]
boo fucking hoo. also, why doesnt anyone ever put the year on fliers??

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