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ATTN: Lamp, FuckIsMySignature and xgodzillax

[Jul 18,2012 1:18pm - Mr. Come On Really?  ""]
Will the three of you shut the fuck up?

For three of the biggest faggots on this board you really shouldn't talk so much shit on Raynard.

Yeah, he sucks, but not anymore than you do.

Lamp blows dudes at truck stops.
FIMS is the dude getting blown.
Fattybobo is the dude in the next stall taking a fast food shit while stuffing his face with Cheetos.
[Jul 18,2012 1:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i merely asked for positive review of his work from a credible sourse. still waiting on that.
[Jul 18,2012 1:31pm - trioxin_245 ""]
what, you didn't see that review he posted by the guy who's favorite band is Alestorm? SEEMED CREDIBLE TO ME BRO
[Jul 18,2012 1:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 18,2012 1:41pm - FAILisMySignature  ""]
I never have anything funny or intelligent to say. FAIL.
[Jul 18,2012 1:42pm - posbleak ""]

Mr.%20Come%20On%20Really? said:Lamp blows dudes at truck stops.
FIMS is the dude getting blown.
Fattybobo is the dude in the next stall taking a fast food shit while stuffing his face with Cheetos.

Pretty sure I've already read this one over on fanfiction.net
[Jul 18,2012 1:53pm - ben ""]
oh goodness, couldnt we keep this to one thread p[lease. i dont care to take up so much precious space on here. here let me get you one of a great many good reviews on our work Mr.C.O.R.. it seems you ignored the ones i posted earlier on the main thread. i think you people only want to see your own dumb jokes on us, and ignore all substantial proof of our validity.

here you go from Metal UnderGround . com three and a half out of 5 skulls come on! our first primitive album in fact. i dont know,,,, shows potential.

Reviewed by xFiruath on July 25, 2010
"Not everyone is going to dig the direction of the vocals, but anyone who can handle an over the top approach to black metal should give 'The Eyes that Glared at my Agonies' a proper chance to crush their spirit."
Vintage Flesh was the perfect name to choose for this band, as the music fits the moniker like an old glove made of flayed human skin. In turns atmospheric, Gothic, heavy, and evil, “The Eyes that Glared at my Agonies” has the depressing and ghastly feel that sets black metal apart from the rest. While it has a few issues that won’t appeal to everyone, the overall effect of the album is to set the listener in a suicidal realm of despair with no hope of escape.

“The Eyes that Glared at my Agonies” is really like two albums in one. There are the long instrumental segments, and then the full-on evil black metal segments. Each instrumental piece is cleverly arranged and has enough going on to make it just as interesting as the heavier parts, and in many cases even more so. A light crackle is always kept up in the background of the more mellow parts, making the music feel ancient and dark.

The shrieking black metal segments use two different vocal styles, and they are likely to be the main cause of discontent for anyone. High pitched shrieks frequently ring out of the darkness, as it should on any self-respecting black metal album, but they have a bit of a twist. Everything about Vintage Flesh tries to keep up a certain tone, and that leads the vocals to be a little over the top. The screams frequently leave behind the sound that black metal fans know and love, and instead go into an odd pitch that brings to mind an old hag out in the woods, waiting for unsuspecting children of course. It’s an odd sound to say the least, and it’s certain that some will love it and some won’t be able to stand it.

There are also a series of clean vocals that are equally over the top in an attempt to invoke sadness. For the most part they work well, feeling slightly operatic and epic, but it’s another case of differing tastes. It is a bit cheesy and off key, so some may find it to be off-putting instead of intriguing.

The vast majority of the album will keep the fans of black metal paying attention for its whole run time, but the album does also have a few really stand out moments. “1635” switches gears in the guitar department without warning, using a more straightforward and classic tone that give the song a huge amount of contrast. The atmospheric opening to “Waiting for a Body” is another stellar moment, bringing to mind a more black metal version of the psychedelic Tiamat songs.

Not everyone is going to dig the direction of the vocals, but anyone who can handle an over the top approach to black metal should give “The Eyes that Glared at my Agonies” a proper chance to crush their spirit.

Highs: Intstrumental interludes are given equal consideration and aren't just filler, and the overall atmosphere of the album is perfect.

Lows: The over the top vocal work is definitely an acquired taste.

Bottom line: The vocals are a bit over the top on this atmospheric black metal release, but the overall feel and excellent instrumental parts are well worth it.
[Jul 18,2012 2:00pm - ben ""]
oooh i just found this one. i love finding little reviews that got past me.
and it a good one. imagine that!


Posted by Zombie Ritual Zine on 29 de May de 2012

VINTAGE FLESH “The eyes that glared my agonies”

I’ve been very disappointed with lately black metal new productions, maybe because the genre has lost its originality and perhaps is always plenty of good musicians, the fact is that every riff, every sound and every move remains the same. When I first saw this CD I prepared to listen to a chaotic cold and same Nordic black metal as always. Opened a beer and started to check my e-mail, but not longer the CD played track 5 I was so pleased and my head moving as it used to be ten or more years ago. This band play a raw mix of black metal and doom sinister metal, but man!! They really make me feel darkness and gloom. The vocals are excellent and no more to ask. Mr. Raypissed screams and sings in a very high range very influenced by Merciful Fate and includes this “dramatic/theatrical” touch Mr. Diamond patented in the middle of eighties. The band also dares to experiment with sounds, mystical gloomy sections and definitely creates cool dark atmospheres that may give a gelid touch in your heart. Riffs are very well executed and we can hear them all clear, which I really thanks (many rotten/cacophonic black metal to my hears lately) My favorite tracks “To silence the laughter” ( a well balanced doom almost sludge track with cool agony vocals) and “Waiting for a Body” (cool title!) which intro section is dramatic as hell and seems like a madman singing. Cool unsigned product coming from USA. Update: They’ve changed the name to Inverticrux– Victor Varas

[Jul 18,2012 2:04pm - ben ""]
Tuesday, 31 May 2011 19:37 Written by Scott Sweet
0 Comments and 1 Reaction
Artist: Vintage Flesh

CD Title: Hour of the Night Gaunts

Label: Vintage Flesh

Genre: Horror Death Metal

Website: www.facebook.com/letsgetinverted

Reviewer: Scott Sweet

Date: 5-17-11

According to vocalist/drummer Raynard (Raypissed) Stevens, this is the second and last Vintage Flesh release. From now on, you can hear them as Inverticrux. The crew for this 2010 CD includes Reverend John Hex (guitar/synth) and Terry Savastano (guitar). Remember, it's not RAY Stevens; that is a verrrrry different style of music. (Google "Guitarzan".)

This band is not lazy. Their songs cover all the genre basics - spoken interludes, haunted house synth, shrieking vocals and classical touches. It's not overdone in that it doesn't sound like a full symphony with triggered drums and an infinite budget. Going with falsetto shrieking instead of I-Am-a-Cave-Giant-with-Bronchitis growling makes the lyrics much clearer. The wailing solemnity suggests many nights of Hammer films and open-mike nights in the fifth circle of Hell.

Though the thirteen songs are long enough to satisfy, Vintage Flesh doesn't burn time on guitar solos. The vocals stay in front while the music settles into a Neurosis vibe. There's enough rhythm and melody to give the singer firm footing. Nicely arpeggiated guitar lines appear on the title track and in "Pities Long Broken Urn". Several tracks feature either waltz or swing drums.
maybe this one from Graveconcerns out of England.
the people writing the reviews must be fools. it say right here in RTTP that we suck. they need to get schooled on metal by the RTTP boyz!

"Hour of the Night Gaunts" is steady and sturdy. While the music harkens to 70's proto-metal, the vocals sound like three demons possessed by four demons. Side note: the CD art is courtesy of Raypissed, showing the skill and detail he uses as a tattoo artist.
[Jul 18,2012 2:06pm - ben ""]
the review writers must be complete idiots. why, it says right here on RTTP that we suck as a band. so it must be true.
[Jul 18,2012 2:08pm - ben ""]
one from a very reputable site called Funer Rain press corps. check them out! they know Metal!

Funeral Rain Zine – News, Reviews, Metal and More
« An Interview With RayPissed Of InverticruxAlestorm – Back Through Time »
Vintage Flesh – Hour Of The Night Gaunts

Genre: Black Metal, Gothic, Progressive, Thrash, Doom, Your Mom
Label: Independent (But honestly shouldn‘t be)

Yet another entry in the Funeral Rain archives that start out with “I honestly didn’t know what to expect from _____…” But seriously, the ghastly cover art for Hour Of The Night Gaunts and the rude, crude and full of ‘tude approach that the lads in Vintage Flesh have on their Facebook page immediately paint them out to be wildcards capable of anything under the metal sun!

I’ve never been so dead on before. Vintage Flesh is (er… was, as they are now known as Inverticrux) capable of ANYTHING and they show it on their very last album! And while I was scanning the ‘net for intel on these guys, I managed to find nothing but iffy reviews about their “played out” and “why bother” style of metal… but what the hell do “they” know? Hour Of The Night Gaunts is a heavily complex album, full of material that any true metalhead/gothic whatsit should be drooling over by the first note!

Vocalist RayPissed chooses to go down a path that you don’t hear very often in metal of this caliber: falsetto. I’m sure a lot of you are thinking King Diamond right about now, but you’re way off. It’s more of a blackened shriek mixed with a woman in a 60’s sitcom who just saw a mouse. Now those of you who thought King Diamond are all frowny faced. But guess what? Fuck you! I like this style. It’s unique and plays off the rest of the band very well. But Mr. Pissed also manages to throw in these over the top, dramatic semi-soliloquies that HAUNT as well as entertain. Oh, and there’s some excellent growls thrown in there from time to time, generally as an accent or background vocal. At any rate, the vocals are top notch!

I’m not really sure how to continue this review since all I’m going to do is verbally jizz all over the tight musicianship and the virtual ghostly opera that goes down from begin to end. The twelve car pile up of genre melding can go from doomy funeral dirges that give way to scorching black metal riffs that make room for pseudo-power metal melodies in just one track! Substance. This album has it.

Overall: Hour Of The Night Gaunts is a fun, haunting ride from Follow Me To The Grave to While I Wandered Away With Death. If you don’t get what these spooky cats are laying down, then kindly remove the stick from betwixt yer buttocks so that I might replace it with my boot!


Inverticrux On Facebook
[Jul 18,2012 2:10pm - ben ""]
yeah people either love or hate my vocal approach. but thats the risk you run to be original and memorable. you guys just try to sound like the sods that came before you. just to play it safe and be accepted. i take a little grief for my outlandish approach. but it has its place and it will be secured.
[Jul 18,2012 2:11pm - ben ""]
hey guy, you need anymore? got plenty.
[Jul 18,2012 2:16pm - ben ""]

[Jul 18,2012 2:22pm - chernobyl ""]
who else is in inverticrux, can we get them to post here too?
[Jul 18,2012 2:23pm - Lamp nli  ""]
If this thread is going to be directed at how much of a faggot I am, can we please keep discussion of how much of a faggot you are to other threads? Thanks.
[Jul 18,2012 2:25pm - ben ""]

chernobyl said:who else is in inverticrux, can we get them to post here too?
no, they wont. they dont need to be bothered with your bullshit. thats what i'm for. punish me daddy!
[Jul 18,2012 2:50pm - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
chernobyl said:who else is in inverticrux, can we get them to post here too?
no, they wont. they dont need to be bothered with your bullshit. thats what i'm for. punish me daddy!

[Jul 18,2012 2:56pm - trioxin_245 ""]

ben said: the music settles into a Neurosis vibe.

[Jul 18,2012 2:59pm - trioxin_245 ""]

chernobyl said:who else is in inverticrux, can we get them to post here too?

good dudes mike. The last two members quit because they couldn't handle Raynard dragging their names through the mud. Terry is now in Martyrvore and I'm not sure what Eirik is up to, but I saw him at the Horna show and he mentioned picking up where he left off with his old doom band. Either way, don't let this moron Raynard sway your opinions on those two dudes, they got out when they could.
[Jul 18,2012 3:01pm - So...  ""]
Why were they ever "in"?
[Jul 18,2012 3:04pm - trioxin_245 ""]
you'd have to ask them, I'm not their spokesman.
[Jul 18,2012 3:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lol at anon fags
[Jul 18,2012 3:32pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:you'd have to ask them, I'm not their spokesman.
its called recognizing talent when you see it and wanting a piece of it. but some people just dont like the controversy that i thrive on. the new members seem to be ready for what ever so hang tight. you will get your chance to be pummeled physically and musically when next we go live. if i cant bust your dumb ass i am sure my bouncers will have fun bouncing you around for a bit.
[Jul 18,2012 3:36pm - Burnsy ""]
How many bouncers do you own?
[Jul 18,2012 3:38pm - trioxin_245 ""]
good GOD hahahahahahah
[Jul 18,2012 3:39pm - Clown Metal Bouncer  ""]
[Jul 18,2012 3:39pm - chernobyl ""]
Or maybe they left to start other endeavors with their talent and left you behind.
[Jul 18,2012 3:43pm - Yeah but  ""]

chernobyl said:Or maybe they left to start other endeavors with their talent and left you behind.

at one point they either thought a) Inverticrux was good, b) Raynard was cool, or c) his tattoo work was sweet and thought they could get some free work out of him. THE FUCK WERE THEY SMOKING????
[Jul 18,2012 3:44pm - ben ""]

chernobyl said:Or maybe they left to start other endeavors with their talent and left you behind.
thats what you would so like to think isn't it. sad for you to keep such negative thoughts for complete strangers. the shame.

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