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Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Propagandhi and Jethro Tull - three days in a row

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jul 21,2012 2:45pm - Spencer  ""]
October 1st - Godspeed You! Black Emperor @ The Orpheum in Boston
October 2nd - Propagandhi @ The Middle East in Cambridge
October 3rd - Jethro Tull, playing Thick As A Brick in entirety, in Lynn MA at some auditorium.

Anyone going to any of these? I am definitely considering both GYBE and Propagandhi personally, but Jethro Tull is still up in the air for me due to the fact it's quite expensive.

(also on October 3rd: Anthrax up in Maine)
[Jul 21,2012 2:49pm - Lamp ""]
Whoever this Spencer guy is, he sure is a total clown.
[Jul 21,2012 2:51pm - Spencer  ""]
Eh, I just enjoy a variety of music. haha

I know some people here enjoy Propagandhi, but I was wondering if anyone here actually... you know, cared about seeing GYBE or Jethro Tull.

I was also hoping someone who has seen Jethro Tull would tell me if they're worth seeing live or not.
[Jul 21,2012 2:53pm - Lamp ""]
I did enjoy some Propagandhi in my day, but I would rather stab myself in the nose with a rusty fork than go see them live.
[Jul 21,2012 2:54pm - the_reverend ""]
Gsybe is amazing. Seen them live twice.
[Jul 21,2012 2:54pm - trioxin_245 ""]
[Jul 21,2012 6:14pm - joeyvsdavidlopannli  ""]
I'll be at GYBE, they were awesome last year on that little tour they did.
[Jul 21,2012 6:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
Floor seats for GYBE are almost sold out?
[Jul 21,2012 7:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw them at the middle east upstairs in 99, i think and at the Somerville theatre in 2003 or 2004.
[Jul 21,2012 7:35pm - the_reverend ""]
f#a# inf is one of those albums like the mantle. If people dont like it, they dont have musical taste or a heart.
[Jul 21,2012 8:13pm - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:f#a# inf is one of those albums like the mantle. If people dont like it, they dont have musical taste or a heart.

[Jul 21,2012 8:37pm - ANT1FA  ""]

the_reverend said:f#a# inf is one of those albums like the mantle.

Awesome album, indeed.
[Jul 21,2012 10:53pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
I've seen Tull multiple times, and Thick As A Brick is my fave album by them, but there is no way I'd waste my time seeing them again unless it was dirt cheap and just to see Martin on guitar. Ian's voice is totally shot, they've had to drop the key of EVERYTHING, multiple steps, so he can hit the "high" notes that are much lower than ever before - And it's all practically a whisper on everything now, he can't belt out a damn thing. Last time I saw them was about 9 years ago, and I said 'Never again.' Martin totally kills on guitar, but I'm not paying whatever yiddish rate it is to see Tull just to see Martin. Wouldn't mind hearing Thick As A Brick 2.

Godspeed is cool, but at the Orpheum? Really?
Propaghandi is a fag band for fags. Enjoy the dicks up your ass, fag.
[Jul 21,2012 10:58pm - KEVORD ""]
I have no musical taste or a heart. Don't care about any of these shows.
[Jul 25,2012 9:33am - the_reverend ""]
love godspeed~!
[Jul 25,2012 9:34am - the_reverend ""]

[Jul 25,2012 9:35am - arilliusbm ""]
28 days later
[Jul 25,2012 10:40am - chrisREX ""]
I got to get tickets to Godspeed.
[Jul 25,2012 11:05am - The_Rooster ""]
Going to see Godspeed in this crazy industrial space in Hudson NY on Sept. 20. Fuckin' stoked!
[Jul 25,2012 11:20am - xmikex ""]
I'll probably debate seeing that Godspeed show up until the day of. Then I'll have to work or something. Then 5 years from now I'll regret it.
[Jul 25,2012 11:23am - trioxin_245 ""]
yea I mean I'd like to see it but I already have to spend tons of money on Neil Young and Manowar and other shit so it's pretty unlikely I'll end up going.
[Jul 25,2012 11:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
would love to see Godspeed live. i'll settle for getting high as fuck andl istening to Yanqui U.X.O.

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