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People are getting sick of hipster metal

[Jul 27,2012 8:27am - arilliusbm ""]
Another gem of an article on everyones' favorite subject.

[Jul 27,2012 8:42am - Burnsy ""]
People getting sick of "latest greatest trend" bullshit? I don't believe it.
[Jul 27,2012 9:27am - Real Aril Posting As Fake Aril So I Can Deny It Is Real Aril  ""]
These articles make me smart about metal.

[Jul 27,2012 10:14am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"People are getting sick of articles about hipster metal"
[Jul 27,2012 10:53am - Alx_Casket ""]
Bring back nu metal.
[Jul 27,2012 11:30am - dreadkill ""]
people are getting sick of conservationist articles
[Jul 27,2012 12:49pm - donnigan  ""]
[Jul 27,2012 3:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
True metal has an eternal, impersonal, epic and mythological perspective. It is not songs of protest about the misery of life. It is songs of war, of triumph, of things that escape our neat categories of good and evil, whether gore/disease or occultism. It is lawless and organic, inhuman and vast.
Hipster metal has a human, personal, moral and emotional perspective. It is like most of rock music protest songs against oppression and misery. It does not glorify the lawlessness, but the imposition of moral categories and personal emotions that limit the natural world beyond humans.

[Jul 27,2012 5:27pm - demondave ""]

wow, by the "true" metal definition - Mastodon are true but Anthrax and Napalm Death are false.


"many of us left academia....." = "... people wouldn't listen to my thinly veiled racism"
[Jul 27,2012 5:37pm - 2002 notshaver  ""]
whats a hipster? I live in Florida.
[Jul 27,2012 5:40pm - 2052 Average RttP User  ""]
What's a Florida? Oh the Bath Salts Quarantine Zone?
[Jul 27,2012 7:56pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:True metal has an eternal, impersonal, epic and mythological perspective. It is not songs of protest about the misery of life. It is songs of war, of triumph, of things that escape our neat categories of good and evil, whether gore/disease or occultism. It is lawless and organic, inhuman and vast.
Hipster metal has a human, personal, moral and emotional perspective. It is like most of rock music protest songs against oppression and misery. It does not glorify the lawlessness, but the imposition of moral categories and personal emotions that limit the natural world beyond humans.


theres plenty of great metal that covers themes and subject matters that are base, disgusting, depressing, mundane, etc. basically the opposite of the grandiose knights on horseback stuff conservative sensationalist is trying to limit the definition of "true" metal to. Hell, i'm not even talking about just abyssic hate and silencer here, iron maiden and judas priest had "protest songs against oppression and misery". "running free" and "breaking the law" anyone?

also, this article fails to cover the second topic included in its title, "why fighting back is important". you know, as opposed to just ignoring the false, and concentrating on making/supporting real metal instead of bitching about hipsters on the internet
[Jul 27,2012 8:22pm - nekronaut ""]

2002%20notshaver said:whats a hipster? I live in Florida.

[Jul 27,2012 8:25pm - in denial gay hipster  ""]
what's a true metal band for me to listen to? I doubt they will rock as hard as kylesa.
[Jul 27,2012 8:27pm - Real Aril Posting As Fake Aril So I Can Deny It Is Real Aril  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:True metal has an eternal, impersonal, epic and mythological perspective. It is not songs of protest about the misery of life. It is songs of war, of triumph, of things that escape our neat categories of good and evil, whether gore/disease or occultism. It is lawless and organic, inhuman and vast.
Hipster metal has a human, personal, moral and emotional perspective. It is like most of rock music protest songs against oppression and misery. It does not glorify the lawlessness, but the imposition of moral categories and personal emotions that limit the natural world beyond humans.


Retarded and lacking any semblance of perspective.
[Jul 30,2012 9:34am - arktourOs ""]

demondave said:

wow, by the "true" metal definition - Mastodon are true but Anthrax and Napalm Death are false.


"many of us left academia....." = "... people wouldn't listen to my thinly veiled racism"

backed. gotta agree with slar and dave here.
[Jul 30,2012 10:38am - Yeti ""]

in%20denial%20gay%20hipster said:what's a true metal band for me to listen to? I doubt they will rock as hard as kylesa.

[Jul 30,2012 10:42am - 1937 Chester Copperpot  ""]
It seems that Willie left a few unexpected surprises for me.

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