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I support Ray and all his ambitions. Fuck the katers..

[Jul 30,2012 9:40am - Live Free or Die  ""]
Talkin shit cause you guys are just jealous of him. His music and art is good. Yours? Not so much.
[Jul 30,2012 9:40am - xmikex ""]
ITT: Morror Katers
[Jul 30,2012 9:52am - dickcheese ""]
thanks L.F.O.D. ,
but i have already accepted how my posts will be received here by the haters. i know those who do not make lousy comments are those i am posting for. those who read it and move on. i certainly am not trying to win over the childish fools here. but my weakness is me wanting to taunt them and make them look stupid. but its me against them and its getting old now. i need to get over it and just keep posting on sites where we are much more appreciated. just wish haters here could realize they are only hurting their own scene. i must leave all the fools here to live in the limited box where they like to be.
[Jul 30,2012 9:55am - xmikex ""]

dickcheese said:i must leave

[Jul 30,2012 10:12am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Live%20Free%20or%20Die said:Talkin shit cause you guys are just jealous of him. His music and art is good. Yours? Not so much.

dickcheese said:thanks L.F.O.D. ,
but i have already accepted how my posts will be received here by the haters. i know those who do not make lousy comments are those i am posting for. those who read it and move on. i certainly am not trying to win over the childish fools here. but my weakness is me wanting to taunt them and make them look stupid. but its me against them and its getting old now. i need to get over it and just keep posting on sites where we are much more appreciated. just wish haters here could realize they are only hurting their own scene. i must leave all the fools here to live in the limited box where they like to be.


[Jul 30,2012 10:25am - trioxin245 ""]
ray: once again, YOU threatened me. So follow up on it already. I called you to set up a date and I have had no answer yet. Is that where this is at? You threaten me like a big man behind the keyboard and then when it goes anywhere outside the web you decide to take the 'whatever fuck you guys Im leaving' stance? Big surprise.
[Jul 30,2012 10:33am - Xott from Scasthur  ""]
ITT: Raynard uses the word hater like the nigger he is.
[Jul 30,2012 10:36am - trioxin245 ""]
Sie haben das hertz einer frau.
[Jul 30,2012 10:39am - dickcheese ""]

i dont work on sundays and mondays. though my staff does. by appt at times, i dont. i will here it tomorrow, but i wont respond your way. i will tell you like i just told one of our many mutual friends, Kieth, i dont come to your fight, i just defend myself well when the fight comes to me. violence is your language. art is mine. you didnt like my art, so you insulted it. i defended it. you didnt like that either. it went on until the obvious happened. ross wants to fight. ross probably always wants to fight.
ross is a fighter. debate? communicate? no. lets fight. i have met so many like you on the road and as soon as i detect that type i turn away before they find a dumb reason to hate me. unfortunately i am unable to turn away from your persistence to bug me here online. its a real shame you decided to join the little gang and shit talk my band. you could have proved your self better then that by welcoming into your end of the fold and we could have all been drinking and having a good metal time like i do with everyone else that matters locally. but you chose this road.
i wonder what really made you go this route. ????
[Jul 30,2012 10:41am - dickcheese ""]

trioxin245 said:Sie haben das hertz einer frau.

Sie haben den Penis von hampster. (lived in Frankfurt for over a year "96")
[Jul 30,2012 10:43am - trioxin245 ""]
Hey there you are. So what are we doin here? You gonna hurt me like you said or you gonna admit it was an empty thread? One wa or another youre going to find you cant just go around publically threatening people with no consequences.
[Jul 30,2012 10:45am - trioxin245 ""]
[Jul 30,2012 10:45am - 1937 Chester Copperpot  ""]
Journal Entry 6/14/37
HELP ME.....
[Jul 30,2012 10:50am - dickcheese ""]
a mutual friend is trying to be the peace maker because he knows i am a good guy. my threat was that i will come after you somehow if you keep trying to hack my girls page and harass us anymore. thats a legit reason to threaten you. i dont need to follow up on it unless you continue your attempts to harass us. i think that even the fags here would agree with me there.
[Jul 30,2012 10:50am - trioxin245 ""]
for the record I was ready to let the whole thing go , at least until I run into him in person, but fuck face here has to keep on going and going with the threats so I have been trying to set up a way to settle this once and for all and all this guy does is say 'I wont fight you unless I have to.' well you know? If thats the case then maybe you shouldnt threaten me publically you scared little fuck.
[Jul 30,2012 10:52am - trioxin245 ""]
hack your girls page? Harass you? You delusional fuck. Oh and keith isnt trying to do anything but set up a date for you to follow up on your threats. Either say right here 'I take it back' or make a date and follow through with it.
[Jul 30,2012 10:57am - arilliusbm ""]
Trioxin: Orc Warlord
Ray: Halfling Swordsman
[Jul 30,2012 10:57am - trioxin245 ""]
Heres something you may not know: I didnt harass you. I didnt harass your girl and I never would. But now Im going to because you are harassing me. So either admit you were wrong and take down the posts or follow up and fight me like a man instead of behind the keyboard.
[Jul 30,2012 11:07am - xmikex ""]

Did you actually send Ross' girlfriend a harassing FB message? If so I don't think anybody can help you with anything. If you're worried about fighting a guy Ross' size I'm about 20-30 lbs lighter than him and I'd be more than willing to do everyone a favor and take Ross' place if it means you'll shut up forever. I don't have any real life grudge against you but the way you act makes my brain hurt and I just want to find the off switch.

Disclaimer: If this is all fake then I knew it was Janssen/Notshaver/OP the whole time and this is just a social experiment.
[Jul 30,2012 11:11am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

dickcheese said:trying to hack my girls page

[Jul 30,2012 11:13am - trioxin245 ""]
He didnt harass her or anything he just went around commenting on all her pictures so I said to myself 'I dont know what his angle is but if hes gonna friend my gf then I guess I should friend his just in case.' The simple fact of the matter is that until yesterday when he publically threatened me out of nowhere AGAIN I really could have cared less about this dude, but he needs to learn that although it may be the internet, threatening people WILL have consequences.
[Jul 30,2012 11:13am - arilliusbm ""]
Ross has 50 on you, easily
[Jul 30,2012 11:16am - trioxin245 ""]
yea Im like 240 these days. The other day i punched a dumpster and dented it. I DONT KNOW, I JUST LIKE DOIN STUFF LIKE THAT
[Jul 30,2012 11:25am - nekronaut ""]

dickcheese said:
trioxin245 said:Sie haben das hertz einer frau.

Sie haben den Penis von hampster. (lived in Frankfurt for over a year "96")


Also, there is no "p" in hamster.
[Jul 30,2012 11:33am - xmikex ""]

trioxin245 said:yea Im like 240 these days.

yeeesh. is that from bench presses or microwave lasagna?
[Jul 30,2012 11:38am - 2002 The Fat Fuck from Pilgrim  ""]
Microwave lasagna used to be ok I guess but it's all hipsters now. I only eat totinos pizza rolls.
[Jul 30,2012 11:39am - trioxin245 ""]

xmikex said:
trioxin245 said:yea Im like 240 these days.

yeeesh. is that from bench presses or microwave lasagna?

a little of both :D
[Jul 30,2012 11:45am - trioxin245 ""]

trioxin245 said:
xmikex said:
trioxin245 said:yea Im like 240 these days.

yeeesh. is that from bench presses or microwave lasagna?

a little of both :D

but yea, started to get a little chunky when I was at 220 or so and decided instead of doing sit ups and cardio to lose weight I would just see how strong I can get and now I weigh a lot : (
[Jul 30,2012 11:46am - trioxin245 ""]
also, GAY
[Jul 30,2012 11:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wait... how do you kate somone? is that like batmanning?
[Jul 30,2012 11:50am - I SUPPORT RAYNARD  ""]
[Jul 30,2012 11:51am - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, I got fat for the sole reason of my cock getting fatter but it didn't work.
[Jul 30,2012 12:23pm - TMZ  ""]
So this Ben/Raynard/Dickcheese guy is to chickenshit to respond back and fight?
[Jul 30,2012 12:29pm - THIS BAND SUCKS  ""]
[Jul 30,2012 12:37pm - dickcheese ""]
how do i suppose to know who your girl friend is? i do a lot of commenting. i am engaged and faithful to a good girl. if your claim is true, i am sure i didn't say anything disrespectful. i may have even commented on here page before you two were dating. but i am sure it was all compliments and nothing disrespectful. i leave that for the haters on RTTP. she should unfriend me on F.B. if i said something wrong. dont know why she would be freindly with me if she is with you. but you already hate me , so i dont need any dumpster punchers friending up with my girl on F.B.. you only had bad intentions i am sure. i cant take back a threat to defend myself and my girl. dont insult me or hack me and i wont threaten. not my rules, its just decency.
[Jul 30,2012 12:41pm - Lamp ""]

xmikex said:Raynard, the way you act makes my brain hurt and I just want to find the off switch.
[Jul 30,2012 12:46pm - Pires ""]
file this in the undercard of the "Staples vs. Dwyer" mega boxing event slated to take place in 20never...
[Jul 30,2012 12:46pm - trioxin245 ""]

TMZ said:So this Ben/Raynard/Dickcheese guy is to chickenshit to respond back and fight?
yup. Looks like it. Instead we get the 4 paragraph long 'YOU STARTED IT' posts.
[Jul 30,2012 12:46pm - dickcheese ""]

Lamp said:
xmikex said:Raynard, the way you act makes my brain hurt and I just want to find the off switch.

why? because i dont let them get to me? i defend my band at all costs? i am witty and unbreakable? what do you hate? you should instead admire my fortitude to deal with the bums infesting this potentially good forum.
[Jul 30,2012 12:48pm - dickcheese ""]
sorry all that reading hurts your mind. i like using mine. you like fighting out your issues. solves nothing. oh , you beat me up so you must be right, same mindset that perpetuates all war over the ages.
[Jul 30,2012 12:48pm - dickcheese ""]
i tried to shorten it up for yah.
[Jul 30,2012 12:49pm - dickcheese ""]
be back later.
[Jul 30,2012 12:53pm - PUSSY TALK  ""]
[Jul 30,2012 1:01pm - Lamp ""]

dickcheese said:
Lamp said:
xmikex said:Raynard, the way you act makes my brain hurt and I just want to find the off switch.

why? because i dont let them get to me? i defend my band at all costs? i am witty and unbreakable? what do you hate? you should instead admire my fortitude to deal with the bums infesting this potentially good forum.

People who tell me what I should do (such as you at the moment) don't impress me at all.

Another thing that doesn't impress me is people who tell me what they are. Usually when someone makes a claim that they're witty and unbreakable, or intelligent, or good looking, or whatever else, they aren't any of those things.

You really are one sad, pathetic motherfucker.
[Jul 30,2012 1:17pm - xmikex ""]

dickcheese said:be back later.

Don't. And then I promise I'll admire you.
[Jul 30,2012 1:19pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Jul 30,2012 2:27pm - THIS BAND SUCKS  ""]
[Jul 30,2012 2:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:wait... how do you kate somone? is that like batmanning?

Thundergun it up on the curb, Dennis.
[Jul 30,2012 9:54pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

dickcheese said:ross,

i dont work on sundays and mondays. though my staff does. by appt at times, i dont. i will here it tomorrow, but i wont respond your way. i will tell you like i just told one of our many mutual friends, Kieth, i dont come to your fight, i just defend myself well when the fight comes to me. violence is your language. art is mine. you didnt like my art, so you insulted it. i defended it. you didnt like that either. it went on until the obvious happened. ross wants to fight. ross probably always wants to fight.
ross is a fighter. debate? communicate? no. lets fight. i have met so many like you on the road and as soon as i detect that type i turn away before they find a dumb reason to hate me. unfortunately i am unable to turn away from your persistence to bug me here online. its a real shame you decided to join the little gang and shit talk my band. you could have proved your self better then that by welcoming into your end of the fold and we could have all been drinking and having a good metal time like i do with everyone else that matters locally. but you chose this road.
i wonder what really made you go this route. ????


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