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Keep on Trollin': Facebook

[Jul 31,2012 2:08am - Facebook Troll  ""]
Megann Reardon

8 minutes agoPickles TheDrummer
i told you i was pickles the drummer bitch

8 minutes agoMegann Reardon
Good for you.

7 minutes agoPickles TheDrummer
it is, you wish you were me

6 minutes agoMegann Reardon
Uh no.

6 minutes agoPickles TheDrummer
definitely do

6 minutes agoMegann Reardon
Now Stop messaging me.

5 minutes agoPickles TheDrummer
i can smell your jealousy ripping off the keyboard

5 minutes agoMegann Reardon
That's nice/

5 minutes agoPickles TheDrummer
now youre at least admiting it

5 minutes agoMegann Reardon
Will you leave me alone ?

4 minutes agoPickles TheDrummer
you know im too much of a gentleman to do that
wheres that sandwhich

4 minutes agoMegann Reardon
Yeah right. LEAVE ME ALONE.

4 minutes agoPickles TheDrummer
its ok, i know you meant that for a different chat bubble
it will be ok i will forgive you for that typo

3 minutes agoMegann Reardon
That was so NOT a typo and I meant it for YOU.

2 minutes agoPickles TheDrummer
clearly your hand slipped on the keyboard when you went to type "please tell me all about those things you were saying" and it just came out all wrong instead. simple typo.
didnt you ever have to take computer class in school?

2 minutes agoMegann Reardon
You're probably just some lonely person hiding their identity. Tisk, Tisk.
Now LEAVE ME ALONE damnit.

about a minute agoPickles TheDrummer
thats what you'd like to think. i know you're sitting at your computer screen in disbelief, that pickles the drummer.... the one and only is talking to YOU
well, its happening
how about that sandwhich

49 seconds agoMegann Reardon
Shut the hell up. Damn, you're annoying.
[Jul 31,2012 8:51am - xmikex ""]
[Jul 31,2012 9:00am - arilliusbm ""]
Worse than Buchholz
[Jul 31,2012 9:09am - Burnsy ""]
Why didn't megann Reardon just block this person? Why does her name end with two n's? Why is this anon getting facebooks in my rttps?
[Jul 31,2012 9:11am - arilliusbm ""]
Why does Burnsy not have fb anymore?
[Jul 31,2012 9:14am - Burnsy ""]
fb is 100% troll whereas rttp is acceptable to my social networking pallet with only a 95% rate of troll activity.
[Jul 31,2012 9:24am - Megann Reardon  ""]
This toothpaste bitch nigga couldn't troll me with a Troll Genie set to infinite trolls. GTFO h0m0.
[Jul 31,2012 10:48am - Yeti ""]
[Jul 31,2012 1:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
10/10. Laughed so hard my vagina turned inside out and lifted my desk 3 inches off the ground temporarily.

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